Stop looking at YouTube! I use a lot of time watching YouTube. That time I could use to quilt, or to make lace or whatever I would love to do 😊❤️
Love your videos and your sweet genuine smile. Thanks for your time and effort on your videos.
Great advice! Simple steps but we often don't think of them.
I have recently been struggling to do any crafts, so I did just what Irene has suggested. I put weekly "tasks" it in my calendar, such as Mondays - Crochet, Tuesdays - Quilting, Wednesdays - Knitting, Thursdays - Quilting, Fridays - Baking. Each one for an hour in the early afternoon when time is quiet in our house. I used to use that time to catch up on chores, but now I will be spending the first hour after lunch each weekday on Me Time! Then after that, work on the chores until dinner time. Hopefully, this means I will make progress on things at least a little at a time. Thanks Irene!
All these suggestions are great. When we have a project, in our minds we see the whole thing completed. Breaking it down into separate pieces done at different times lets us finish tasks and see progress, instead of being overwhelmed. I'm always happy when I finish one task and then I STOP. If I try to force myself to do more or there are distractions or I become tired, that's when things go wrong and I have to find even more time to fix it. And remember, finished is better than perfect.
I like the idea of scheduling my quilting time. Da! I pretty much schedule everything else. Thanks. Sometimes I just need to hear ideas from the experts.
Great response to the question! Time management is so important! Thank you for sharing this video!
Good advice. I am going to do that for my next resolution to assure that I get done with each project. I am going to use a project calendar. I will keep you posted.
I usually resist making plans, but spontaneity isn’t working out so well for my quilting. I will make a list of the steps I need to do to finish one of my quilts and see how that goes. Thank you for the reminder.
If I am bit to tired after a full day at school, I will quilt for an hour after dinner. If I don't start then, it's not going to happen. Otherwise, I have slow stitch projects to do while I watch a movie or sporting event.
My favorite time to sew is first thing after waking up in the morning. Then I have breakfast and take my morning walk. I sew again between my walk and going to the office. I come home, have lunch and sew again in the afternoon. It is surprising how all these smaller blocks of time add up.
I schedule my crafting time on my calendar and set alarms on my phone, and will skip doing chores or going places.
Congratulation on your new addition to your family!
Hi. I received my package from you. When does the quilt a long start? I have forgotten.
I have been trying to watch the PP course I bought and I cannot log in. It is very frustrating as I paid for this course. Do you have re runs I can get caught up. I did send an email to your address but have not heard if it went through.