The Victorian Master Chef Who Changed British Cuisine | Cook Back In Time | Absolute History

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Auguste Escoffier brought fine dining to Victorian London. He is known as the Chef of Kings and the King of Chefs. He truly made his mark when he became head chef of London's new Savoy Hotel on the Strand. His influence is still today at the heart of modern cuisine.

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I have been reading Escoffier's "cookbook" and have found it difficult/annoying to follow. To follow an Escoffier recipe, you have to page back and forth in the book. Extreme attention is required for success. This video has been most illuminating as to the reason's for Escoffier's fame. I never knew that Escoffier organised the kitchen into 16 departments, which improved efficiency and product quality. This organisation has been imitated worldwide, with very pleasant effect.


I wish the year of production was listed for the films…


I burst out laughing when Sewell called modern chefs "vulgar twits" because I thought I knew exactly whom he was thinking of. And then I remembered that same chef now owns, what 3 of the 4 restaurants at the Savoy? He got the last laugh.


This feels boomery in the best sense possible. 18yo and in love with the vibe


I love that the host and the gentleman didn’t partake in the fois gras for morality, but the other lady diner was chowing down while she told them that the geese love to have big funnels jammed down their necks to be force fed.

I wouldn’t have been surprised if she asked to finish the other’s meals. She was so funny to me


I found the critic to be an absolute waste, until he stood firm on the subject of foie gras and the dignified way he did so. I'm honestly surprised they didn't edit it out. It's uplifting to know that the representative of the arts is the only one with a moral campus.


My grandfather knew Esoffier.
Knew it was going to be about Esoffier before playing the video.
Happy Days.


What a pleasant surprise to see Brian Sewell ♡


If one knows the classics, one is rather good at adapting the evolving new trends and recipes also. Escoffier set the basics so many each day do and take it as a natural part of the day.


I would have hated to be the chef who was on the egg white beating station back then but I bet they did had wicked forearms


Anybody know when this came out? Seems extremely 2000s


I've read that the head construction engineer, on seeing the blueprints incorporating so many bathrooms, asked D'Oyly Carte: 'What? Do you expect people to bathe everyday?!'


Buying whole cuts like the tenderloin is the way to go. Whether it is rib eye, NY strip or sirloin the whole primal will save you $$ per pound. If one eats steak often enough it's better to buy the whole thing, cut your steaks and in my case vac-seal and freeze. That way I've cut my costs and always have something on hand. I'm more likely to have to go to the store for the potato. Sure a whole tenderloin at costco is $125 or more upfront but at the same time saves money through the year. I do the same thing with salmon


Ooooo that's a tough call. An Escoffier meal or a Sarah Bernhardt play?! I'd save for both 😍


Why can't TV be like this anymore? Everybody is full of personality, has an opinion and is not politically correct. They are being themselves, being funny and being polite. Excellent and humorous clip!


Not even English but its sad how the culture is slowly dissappearing. Rip 🙏🏽


he aslo teaching to VAN BA( Ho Chi Minh) during his time is working in Carlton Hotel . When Van Ba see some leftover food still in table, he go that table in use that leftover food to aid poor people when Escoffier see that he ask why he do it ? VAN BA answer because don't want waste a good food he want share to poor people . Escoffier thank and offer him a job and he did a very good some source he is next chapter for Auguste Escoffier but VAN BA is revolution and he also share with Escoffier about his dream, Escoffier say he support him but he feel so sad because VAN BA want to become a leader of revolution not cooker like Escoffier . Until today Carlton Hotel still mark Ho Chi Minh is famous person


What a pretentious bunch.... full of unnecessary remarks... totally I'm still amazed with all the jewelry everybody is wearing at the Savoy's Kitchen....


That host seems like she has never stepped in a kitchen before. Who can't tell the difference between pâté and a whole liver?!


😮 that wealthy couple was so arrogant. 😂 I wonder if she got the Chefs number
