Alarak's Mothership vs Hyperion

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Watch giant armies battle. Can you predict the outcomes?

Round 1 ▶ 1 Hyperion (with attack bug built in) vs 1 Tal'darim Mothership
Round 2 ▶ 10 Aegis Guards (Mengsk's Marauders) vs 35 Immortals
Round 3 ▶ 50 Tyrannozors vs 240 Dragoons
Round 4 ▶ 120 Whirlwind Zealots vs 200 Sentinels (Karax's Zealots)
Round 5 ▶ 50 Elite Marines vs 300 Infested Civilians


#Tya #SC2 #starcraft
This channel exists to document unit counters within StarCraft 2. Tya's Unit Tournament features epic battles between units in StarCraft 2, using music from the game's soundtrack. Units are chosen from Protoss, Terran and Zerg forces, or a coop commander such as Raynor, Nova, Artanis, or Kerrigan. Units will independently use their abilities, in a basic way. All units use Legacy of the Void stats, the same units you'd see in SC2 esports controlled by the likes of Serral, Maru, and ByuN. The resource beneath vespene is the unit's cost in the mod I run on the SC2 arcade, Direct Strike. Enjoy!
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I threw in some Mengsk as suggested by the last video, and I didn't miss all those "what does it take to defeat Dehaka" comments. Soon, soon.

So what do you wanna see?


Jimmy hyperjumping out when the mothership is just one hit is one of the most Raynor BM I''ve ever seen.


Do a "what does it take to take down a Dehaka" compilation. Some variation of standard units vs 1 Dehaka... get one fixed resource budget for all, where some unit types succeed and others still fail.


For those curious, the Aegis Guard are one hell of a unit. They cost 125 minerals 350 gas and 4 supply, have 300 HP, 6 range, 1 armor, and 20(+20 vs armored) damage. However they(and all of Mengsk's royal guard) have a unique leveling system. Whenever an enemy dies, the closest nearby Royal Guard gains XP based on it's supply, and if no one's around, it's split evenly among all Guards, and each level automatically upgrades their armor/damage, and unlocks new abilities for them.

For each level, they gain an additional 75HP up to 525 HP max, +5/5 damage up to 35(+35 v armor), and +1 armor up to 4 max. They can be upgraded to gain Concussive Shells, but at level 1 they gain a 300 HP barrier that has a 30 second recharge rate, and knocks back all enemies when it breaks. At level 2, they begin to deal 20% of their damage to all enemies in a cone behind the main target(which this scales based on the damage dealt to the main target, so even if the cone hits light enemies, if the main hit was armored, it does 20% of the anti-armor damage to light units, and vice versa), and the cone damage also slows once you get concussive shells. At level 3, they gain High Grade Stimpacks, granting them 200% attack speed for 10 seconds with a 30 second CD, making them go from attacking every 1.5 seconds, to attacking every half second.

In case you weren't aware, they have the highest non-hero unit DPS in the entire game, counting the insane bullshit of Coop. Against armored targets and buffed by another of Mengsk' units that boost attack speed, they are dealing around 160-170 damage every second, and that also doesn't count the splash damage in the shrapnel cone. It isn't a direct upgrade, but Mengsk's battlecruisers can be upgraded to boost all nearby ground allies range by 1, giving them 7 range, while his Thors can give nearby allies +5 armor, giving them 9 total armor. But don't forget how they have an effective 925 HP per unit at level 3 with 4 armor base, which allows them to tank 3 Yamatos each, or 9 armor with the Thor aura, which lets them sit in a swarm of Zerglings to relax. Their insane damage output, area damage, stupidly massive durability, and slow on top of it all, and they are without a doubt the strongest ground to ground non-hero combat unit in SC2, all for a measly 4 supply, 125 minerals, and 350 gas(potentially 6 supply, 200/210 with certain masteries and presteges), AKA the cheapest and most easily replicable non-cannon fodder unit in Mengsk's army

I genuinely can't put it any better than TheTerribleness' ending line of his Aegis Guard review.

"Their only fault is their inability to target air units, which isn't so much a fault as it is a mercy that the Aegis Guard have bestowed upon us so we have something to do while they carry us to victory."


"Fury unyielding" is such a great catchphrase 😊


Non co-op players in the back are looking at these units with great puzzlement and confusion.


With the Aegis guard, I think a critical resource was missing: XP.
A Level 3 Royal Guard and a Level 0 Royal Guard are not comparable units.
Fully Leveled Royal guards are OP for their Mineral and Gas price - because they also have the XP to become good in the first place.
Idea: Run various Royal Guards against each other. Prefect Mirror Matches, if possible. One side on Level 0, one on Level 3.


Really need to add in what skills do or something

At this point, whenever there are campaign units, it's a guessing game because hell if I know how stukov marines behave differently from regular ones


Holy shit 5/5 and I didn’t even realize until I checked the results afterward. These were some fun fights


LOL Did Sentinel really just sing Tubthumping at the end LOL


Geez, Alarak. At this point you should just stop trying and sit down on the side where you belong.


Dang I got wrong about the Aegis Guard vs Immortal fight


100 Nova's ghosts (with triple tap) vs. all zerg? How much meat wall does it take? haha


I would love to see performance compariso of the eg 100 basic units 0/0 unupgraded vs 1/1 vs 2/2 vs 3/3 with powers.


Драгун сказал: Зог! Его что, орки сперли?


4/5, i thought the aoe dmg of honor guards was enough for them to power through the sentinel's revives.


Great work Hyperion all the way. Though now I need to now who has the most power super capital ship The Terran Gorgon, The Zerg Lavation, Or the Protcess Purifier Mothership. 😁😁😁


Finally got 5/5. Finally immortals were defeated but I mean cmon.... aegis guards.


Dragoons are very good against melee as its very hard to wrap around them


How many vikings can defeat a Hyperion?
