They find Mermaid In Ocean.. The Ending Will Shock You...

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Over the years, the existence of mermaids is one such that is not openly accepted nor actually be denied . Join us on a breathtaking journey to uncover the times people spotted mermaids in real life.

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My grandmother is from Haiti she said Mermaid have nice singing voices, long hair but not a beautiful creature....


If it is true, they need to leave the mermaids and mermen alone. They're like animal species that need to be respected and left alone.


It’s a mock of the real things! This is why people who catch true footage can’t be taken seriously 😩


No one in Jamaica swim in that river in Jamaica especially since the river flowing so fast


Is no telling what is deep underneath the ocean


The people putting a tail on and trying to “swim like a mermaid” is just ridiculous and embarrassing! Also, the “alien mermaid” if it just so happened to be real, it was clearly was missing its leg. I really hope it wasn’t real bc to disrespect any kind of being (esp. something that looks so human) by taking pictures of them disfigured and lifeless is just mind blowing. We can’t do that with actual humans. Why would you try to do it with a potentially sentient being??
Humans are the worst! Past, present, and future! I don’t get it.
I spent 10 years in the Florida Keys and once I finally learned to swim I then spent every moment, humanly possible in the water and out on the water. I was actually out on the water for the first time at three bc my parents met and befriended an amazing couple who happened to have a beautiful little sail boat that they also lived on. The man who often told stories and also taught me the basics of sailing at my young age, never once told any stories of mermaids. I actually can’t remember one person speaking about mermaids. I’ve swam surrounded my man of wars never getting stung…I have 0 idea how that happened but it did. To this day as I have yet to ever have been stung by a man of war or jelly fish. (Random useless detail lol. I have been on the water snorkeling with barracuda that were 5+ ft in length when I was only a fourth grader. I’ve seen huge sea turtles. I’ve swam with dolphins and manatees. (Which I shared pics of on a fb page. But I have never not once seen anything remotely resembling anything that looked like a mermaid, I lived in a pretty busy boating location so that may have been a factor but I really believe that I would’ve had to have seen SOMETHING!!! Lol I would LOVE to be able to tell yall my best friend was a mermaid lol unfortunately this is not the case. I really like this channel a lot but this one was as I say “reachin” lol The closest I ever got to a mermaid was when my daughter (who is now a teenager) decided she loved mermaids and wanted a tail to swim with. Hehe I think she secretly still loves them. Anyway, I wanted to share my experience (or lack there of…) Yall take care out there!! Be careful what you decide to believe in when it comes to the internet.


I am a mermaid enjoying this video about my relatives.😁


We still have 95 % of the plamets ocean unexplored just like are universe. We are still discovering new sea life and for us to think we are the only intelligent life on this planet or in this universe would be foolish we know there is life beyond the stats why not life in the abyss


The Bible said the women that mated with angels that were mothers to the Nephilim were turned into pretty much mermaids


I believe that mermaid with the fake hair was actually a real human and someone experimented to make it look like a mermaid but actually murdered someone for it


2:26 the guy is suppose to be in a cave alone when he saw the mermaid yet there was another guy Behind her with a camera.


I love this channel..I wanna believe that mermaids exist..still not convinced yet


1st to comment 🎉 no, mermaids aren't supposed to be pretty, that's just the way the movie makers try to make them look, or how other people portray them to be. Oh & Happy New Year


FYI, Fiji is not a Japanese Island. It is an archipelago consisting of more than 300 islands.


Mermaids would end up being dinner for sharks and Crocs if they were real.


We haven't touched on all of our oceans ill believe anything under the sea than in our space i believe theres such as mermaids out there never say never in this univers we live in


Thank you for the update, The Squeezed Lemon..!! Happy New Year..!! 16:00 I think that's Kappa the Japanese turtle monster.


Government made and turned loose into the ocean.


Simple question, what happened to the "merman" after it was captured?


There's not a single one of these that's actually real unedited footage. Way to lose your audience, QUICK.
