RHNS Georgios Averof, a tour of the last Armored Cruiser.

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Hi, this is a tour of the armored cruiser Georgios Averof, a warship that served as the flagship of the Royal Hellenic Navy for more than fifty years. It is the only remaining armored cruiser still in existence a museum now located in Palaio Falliro, Athens, Greece. She almost single-handedly defeated the Ottoman fleet twice (battles of Elli and Lemnos) during the First Balkan War and she took part in the naval operations (landings, shore bombardment) of the Greco-Turkish War (1920-1922). She was refitted in France in 1925 and saw action in WW2 as convoy escort in the Indian Ocean after the fall of Greece in 1941.
She returned to Greece in 1944 where she served as headquarters ship till 1954 when she was decommissioned. She was turned into a museum ship in 1983.
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I remember visiting the Averof when I was a kid way back in 1981. It is great to see that she has been well cared for since then and also so beautifully restored but to 'as new' condition. Your tour of the ship and commentary is delightful and much appreciated.
Ευχαριστώ πολύ!


The GERORGIOUS AVEROF is beautiful. Her restorers did an excellent job.


Well done for this film about the most important Greek ship. Mpravo sou.


You really have a national treasure there !


Indeed the crew has little knowledge about the ship and its technology, despite the fact that they keep it in excellent condition. The ship needs civilian curators and and a museological study to improve visitors flow and information


Really nice and tidy well kept ship the Averof is! Its lovely to see what is pretty much the last example of pre WW1 capital warship design is such nice and original condition.


Having the secondary armament in turrets where uncommon before WW1.


You are absolutely right & is a he'll of a mistake it was better for me first to go to internet library & refreshed my mind with the correct information of facts any way as things stands I adjusted my self to that, thanks .


Fitting that me Greek cousins of all nations should still have a steel-clad warship still afloat, and right next to a trireme no less,
the Olympias
I wish she was fully operational and her main guns were aimed at IMPERATOR DEUS VULT!


AVEROF...this battle cruiser is the inspiration of the entire Greek nation the Greek government for gratitude gave his name on the ship for his economic private contribution he pay most of that out of his private pocket I think if I remembered well it was build & commission in England & the Greeks rushed to seal the deal immediately but that of course upset the Turks & immediately they made up a better offer but the English as of a matter of principals & as gentleman they stick to their rules of as first come first served they made up their mind & gave it to the Greeks it carrying forward turret of 10 inch guns it developed good speed & had good steel armour protection it was superior at that time & in the hands of the Greeks it develops ability of rapid fire shot AVEROF. Won easily over the Turks in many confrontations causing heavy damage to the Turkish Navy it was powerful ship & under the command of the able & aggressive commander kountouriotis always was able to intercept the Turks & defeated them for a time this ship was a danger for the whole Turkish Navy & her showing always dominated the Aegean Sea ...


Thank you for the tour. I always wondered, what are the hatches on the deck for at 6:13? Is that to allow for sunlight to reach the lower parts of the ship?


What means RHNS in front of the name?
