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I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV's while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad - worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.' Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot - I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, 'I'm a HUMAN BEING, God damn it! My life has VALUE!' So I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell, 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!' I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!... You've got to say, 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: "I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"
Рекомендации по теме

I've been scrolling, clicking, looking for something that reflects how I feel inside today. I'm not looking anymore


I keep coming back to this video, it's been downloaded to my phone for 3 years now, whenever shit goes wrong when you do everything right it's easier to give into the pessimistic emotions and just stop fighting. Channeling those emotions into rage and anger to use as fuel to push forward out of pure irrational spite with help from this video may not be healthy, but it's gotta be better than the alternative of being depressed and stagnant. So as cringe as my reason sounds thanks for making this video it helps me for whatever reason.


Are we all this mad enough about OUR ONE LIFE.TO GET UP AND CHANGE IT! I LIKE THIS! GOOD ONE.


Truly magnificent, a masterpiece. This is beyond potent, honestly, watching this changes you forever. I can’t fathom the fact that this absolute weapon is so overlooked.


A dollar buys a nickels worth probably my favorite part just the way he says it 💵💰


People are weak but this shows what it takes to go forward


I'm pissed off for greatness! Love it.


Wow 😳 editing is superb. Choice of words to match events of today's wonderful job.😇


U want it and you're gonna go ALL OUT to have it! 🔥💯


This video helped me vacuum up a 2cm spider. Marvel at my bravery! xD


I will get mad alright!! People will see me if they have to be forced to see me


Today I find people are not mad as hell and are willing to take more. We'll call them cover!


Easily one of the top 3 videos I've seen like this...


Awesome brother . Very touching ! Keep it up, GET MAD AND DONT STOP!!


I listen this every time I get in a cold shower


This brings me hope, to bring me closer to my goals.


After Muhammad Ali ‘s video this the best motivational video I’ve ever seen


great video. instead of all this pity partying over narc abuse, get mad as hell and stop taking it. fight back.


Our deppest fear is indeed are inadequecy but once we come one with our mind the fear is out of the world
It is never to late to change things at your age of 40 50 we all have another chance but there comes a time where you never come back to your old misserable life. You will come to that point and you will know when that time comes for you, for me that time is now i feel it and i will certainly never go back to my old self.
I am shaking now while typing this and this feels supernatural like Allah made this moment the time the time for me to change my attitude completely. I am never never coming back to my old life. I am erasing and leaving everything from my past, and have a complete mindset. I will and certainly conquer my dreams.
Life is very difficult every second of life thats what i beleive now i know that there is no such thing as difficult there is just objectives. I don't care about how i feel emotional. It is only what is my goal, My objectives in this world and the next. I am very angry, torn at this point but i am certainly in pursuit of revenge and in desire for taking what is mine which was lost by my past self. I must take what is mine i am going to do whatever it takes. I am going to be better than everyone i ever know, i will outwork every one in this chat in this world because i dont care about myself i care about my objectives. My mindset is different i can feel it i have done this several times in the past but this one just feels different hard to explain as though i am realizing i am going to die in a few years and must do what it takes to get my objectives done. i
I dont want to be rich ore happy or genius or fooloowers or success. I want to reach my objectives that is to please Allah. I am going to change forever and the change i am going to have now is going to be exponential more than i have in my entire life. My why is my blood i dont knwo anything else other than my objectives. I dont want to be happy. I want to make the most of this life to ease the life of my fellow brothers and sisters. I will be so successfull so succesfull i will help so many people i will. I am not delusional i know irt sounds strange i will do this and watch i will outwork every genius in the face of the earth with rthe helop of alllah. I am going to go Madly insanely crazy towards my objective goal i will push and outperform every one. I dont beleive in mental health and all i beleive in objectives and goal achievement and helping my people. I dont care about myself i dont even exist. I dont like any food any thing. I am mad


Great video boy, Murphie"s law, Dont matter how good you are, things aint gonna go well forever
