'yEs, but does your SpAcEbAr sound like a GuN?'

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Keyboard:Logitech g512 carbon
Switch:Gx red/cherry mx red
Switch:Gx red/cherry mx red
'YeS, BuT dOeS yOuR sPaCeBaR sOuNd ThIs NiCe?'
yEs but does your *spacebar* make you wanna jump off a cliff 😀
wait, but does your spacebar sound this poppy and thocky?
Yes, but does your keyboard sound this bad?
yes, but does your spacebar sound like THIS?
“yES, bUt DoEs YoUr SPAceBar SoUnD THIs GOOd??!”
yes but does your spacebar sound like this?
Yes, but does your spacebar sound this bad?
yes but does your spacebar sound like dom toretto
yes but does your spacebar sound this deep #shorts
yes but does your spacebar sound like a atomic bomb
yes, but does your spacebar sound like this?
yes but does your spacebar and backspace sound this nice
Yes but does your spacebar sound this good????
Yes but does your spacebar sound this bad?
Yes but does your spacebar sound this bad? Part 2
Yes but does your spacebar sound like this
yes, BUT does YOUR spacebar SOUND this GOOD
Yes but does your spacebar sound like this
Yes but does your spacebar sound as acute ?
Yes, but does your spacebar sound this bad?
Yes, but does your spacebar sound in two different ways?
yEs, BUt dOes YOur sPacEbar SOUNd THis GoOd? #shorts
'yEs bUt DoEs YoUr SpAcEbAr SoUnD tHiS bAd?'