Neutrino: The Particle That Shouldn't Exist

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In 1930, the great physicist Wolfgang Pauli did something that “no theorist should ever do”: he invented a new particle that he thought nobody could ever detect in order to save the principle of energy conservation in certain radioactive decays he was studying. Pauli’s impossible particle turned out to be real: the neutrino, a particle that one of its discoverers called “the most tiny quantity of reality ever imagined by a human being”.

This lecture will chart the fascinating history and science of neutrinos, from their discovery in 1956 to the role they played in understanding solar physics. We will see that neutrinos are today hunted for in the depths of the Antarctic ice cap, shot through the crust of the Earth and observed in huge water tanks under miles of rock. They are revealing the physics of distant supernovae, helping understand dark matter and might hold the key to the Big Bang itself.

A lecture by Roberto Trotta

The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website:


One of the best presentations I've come across. Thank you.


Liked and shared. Thanks for broadening my education, Gresham!


Fairly detailed overview. much appreciated. thanks!


A more fitting description. Than Shouldn't Exist is. Nutrinos exist in sutch vast numbers that they must be important to the universe in ways we don't understand otherwise they wouldn't exist.


Why is it that neutrinos, or even photons are not included in the standard model?


"-the most tiny quantity of reality ever imagined by a human being."
String Theory wants to know your location. ;-)


So the second part of the Pauli Exclusion principle is that no one would let him in the door? Social Physics RULES! Hehe.


*Gresham College:* At 1:38 you say flight time 2.4 microseconds, which is about half a mile at the speed of light. You mean 2.4 milliseconds. Don't you check this stuff?


Do neutrinos oscillate at absolute zero?  Quarks? 
Which came first?
Gravity or the curvature of space?  Were those senseless questions?


"The atom is mostly empty" Why do people keep repeating this meme? What do were you expecting the atom to be filled with? more atoms?


IF, the Strong force was invented to keep from having to second guess electric charge, it means that we have gone a LONG way down the wrong road. We are still inventing fixes to keep from having to go backward. Charge may become something else when crammed into a nucleus at nuclear energies. AND, don't forget that Relativity CHANGES the data before you look at it using transforms. I would bet my life on the fact that inertia comes from a malleable space, and time is a constant, so everything blamed on time is really due to space and inertia. Think of this too, that any velocity has infinite definitions, which is just like saying no definition. BUT, acceleration is absolute and all observers agree! (inertia?!?) Gamma Ray Bursts arrive here in order of wavelength with radio being seriously late. Just because math correctly describes means nothing, because math does not need causality to describe. It can be analogous which puts YOU in The Allegory of the Cave. I have a paper that no one will publish that proves math to be analogous in the gyroscope (macroscopic toy). Perpendicular vectors do not affect each other, and spin velocity and tilt velocity are perpendicular vectors. The true cause has been completely missed due to the use of angular momentum in math. It's not the cause, so math was wrong. This video shows it and has a link to the paper at SSRN. YouTube code: 7hYJebERKlA Last, "No matter how much energy we put into the accelerator, the particle never reaches the speed of light." How can you expect to push a car faster than you can run?


Neutrinos are oscillating Inertial planes. The Inertial plane has infinite capacitance and is instantaneous/entanglement.
Lies about Neutrinos rate of induction, like tunneling.


Never choose the name Opera for an is a recipe for drama, LOL.


10:05 the Physics of Weak interaction has since then yielded 10 Nobel Prizes [ relevant ] but "none yet for a women which [¿hopefully?] will change in the future" [ WHAT ??? ]
