Kenwood TS480 review by G0VQW

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I am reviewing the TS480 from the stand point of a CW operator. Not all functions are covered. Only the one's I use most frequently. This is based on my own personal experiences. I am not a fan of the dsp in this radio. Maybe it's just my rig. But on CW it's not very effective. Yes, it does reduce the noise, but I don't like the watery sound to the signals.I have listened to other dsp rigs and havn't liked then either. So I can't blame the rig for that. It's just my own personal preference.The best filters in my opinion are the optional 500hz or 270hz Xtal filters. Now they really do transform this radio. With the Xtal filter fitted it shines.
Generally I am pleased with this radio.
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Can you interchange the head unit from the sat and HX


Here we are 9 years later and the '480 has held up extraordinarily well. I've been using a TS-480HX in the car, with the 500-Hz CW filter, for 2 years, for CW operation exclusively. It has been absolutely fantastic. I operate in state QSO parties and activate counties when I'm on road trips, and use it with a Tarheel antenna. The radio has been rock-solid reliable and its noise blanker handles most of the noise I get in mobile operation. Twice in the last six months I've made more than 1000 QSOs in a weekend with it. The best thing, beyond the reliability, has been the ergonomics. I rarely need to look at the radio for anything because its controls are well laid-out and intuitive. Can't say that about most modern mobile rigs. And there's nothing else out there with 200 W in the box in a mobile form factor. Fantastic rig for this CW op.


I have the TS570D with filters and TCXO installed. It performs amazing, compared to the Yaesu models Kenwood really is in my opinion far better. I do love my FT817 but when i am struggling to hear a station with the FT using my Kenwood brings them in crystal clear. I am considering a more powerful mobile to carry along side my FT hence i came across your vid. Thank you for your experienced views, all the best 73


Hello Wiltshire Man: Thanks for the strait forward presentation. You've cemented my final purchasing decision.
8P6RC and VE3BEO


@SurviveN2 Hi Dragon.
It always surprises me how many folk I meet that share similar interests. Hope you get back into this hobby at some stage. There are some good folk on the ham bands too aswell as youtube.
All the best my friend


@yo2liw Thanks Adi,
The rig is good for cw. The dsp filters work better when listening on wider filter settings especially for ssb and AM broadcast stations. Better to use the xtal filter for narrow CW.
Generally OK for CW even when listening for DX amongst the pile up. There is some de sensing but not too bad.
I like it for a small rig.


@pa3deb Thanks Kees,
Where was you on sunday. You missed a good SSN
The little TS480 is a good rig for CW. It would make a brilliant rig for Portable qro too which I might try later this year.


I watching this a few years after you made it. I found it very informative and interesting. Have just bought a TS 480 sat and will now have to get a filter for it. Do you still have your 480? Cheers Alan. G7VNM


@charlieoscar09 It's a good alround radio and suitable for /portable and mobile operating too.


Would love to have that radio for my mobile set up with my screwdriver antenna. but even used come at a hefty price.Nice rig!


@g0vqw Had a busy day, and an early rise in the morning. Next week it's my turn agn. Hope conditions are as cooperative as last week... See you than!


That's a nice radio Sandy, and a good review, well explained. Man have radios come along so far since I was into it....LOL. I haven't been doing anything for over 20yrs now....LOL. I still have my old Siltronix can't bring myself to get rid of it...LOL. I never did learn to key :-{ Take Care :-))


hola my nombre es ramon gomez clase soy radioaficionado con my indicativo hi8 -ric. tengo el radio ts-480 y quiero saber como vuerve a verse el vatiage oh la potencias ya que dandole al menu oculto dejo de presentar la la potencia mi radios esta vien de vatio pero no lo presenta en la pantalla quisiera saber si alguien conose el numero en el menu para regresar la señar de nuevo gracias att. ramon


Great review, very intresting and complete! you do a good job for comunity dr OM ! thank's for sharing !! i hope to own a 480HX ASAP !!!
Forgive my poor english lol... i understood all but i write as a dog hihi
i subscribe ur channel !!!
 73s de IK1LBL Mario


Worthless review if you only use one mode.


I watched all the way through.
Thanks for taking the time to make this video - I learned a couple of things.


@tvdxrools I have no doubt the 480 will handle the BC stations.I've just tuned down there. It's daylight here so they arn't that strong. radio 5 live is S9 but can attenuate it to S4. Filter bandwidths from 2.5khz to 5khz on AM. DSP appears to work better at noise reduction on the wider filter settings. But come night time and a decent long wire antenna then they will be very strong indeed. I guess for listening you just use a shorter wire to attenuate things a bit more.


Stumbled across your review on my favourite rig. Like many modern rigs it needs help on CW as you say I find it a great all rounder to have in the motorhome. Most hidden away with just head on display and fling leads poking out from under the seat ;-)


Hi Do you still do Ham Radio.? I gave up a while back along with my Friends. Cheers from ( George) MY G1bki


@WA2JSG Thanks Curt. getting some good feedback about this revue so far.
All the best
