They want you to think they're happy but you see right through them. [Divine Feminine Reading]

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They want you to think they're happy but you see right through them... This is a divine feminine reading / divine masculine reading (which may also resonate as a twin flame reading for some). Please use your intuition and only take the messages that resonate. Sending love, - Infinity ∞

Recommended Subliminals: "Love Magnetism" [Love & Relationships category] in the app. ♥︎

** Just a Reminder: My only Instagram is @MagnetizeYourself spelled exactly that way & I will never privately message, follow, email or DM for a private reading [anyone who does this is impersonating me and scamming, please do not send them money]. Anyone who replies in the comments asking you to email, text or message them privately for a reading is also scamming. Be safe ♥︎
𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮


𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
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Recommended Subliminals: "Love Magnetism" [Love & Relationships category] in the app. ♥︎


I'm glad you made this video, I can recall when I was homeless, lost my daughter; lost my car; my wife is bedridden, im her caretaker and raising my daughters 3 young children. no support system, no state help and faced with many things in Life until $75, 000 biweekly began rolling in and my Life went from A homeless nobody to a different person with good things to


Confirmation in my marriage, 15 years and completely different person. Separation but in same house, healing and moving on. I see through the bs and I know Spirit has something better, someone who will love me. Now I can heal after this divorce


To be honest, infinity I really appreciate you picking up on this persons energy. I have fully detached as it is too much and I am elevating so much so that I know for a fact my true love and forever person will not be in an out of my life like this. Twin or not it doesn’t matter anymore I’ve said my peace and they’ll have to prove themselves to gain anymore energy or access to me. it is a privilege to be in my energy, and anyone in my presence must and will know this from now on based off my boundaries. Asè


Really thought him and I were on the same page all these years. Breaks my heart that he feels he can’t be real with me. I’ve decided to live life for me and if he doesn’t want to be with me, that is his choice. This life is short and I intend to live it! I sure do miss him though. At this point he really feels like a dream or a fantasy. I’ve given him all I can. Meanwhile, he’s only rejected my love and pushed me away. He did help me find love in myself again, he doesn’t realize it though because he won’t talk to me authentically. I literally have no room in my life for people who want to fuck with my energy and disrespect my love.


Love the dedication Infinity. I don’t know why I keep doubting myself when I’ve been slapped with synchronicities heavily during this lions gate. It’s been a rough journey internally, but my faith grows stronger each day. Stay blessed


Wow Infinity! I totally have co-manifested this reading! Thank you soooo much for sharing with us your gifts! This reading as many others, especially on Patreon, has spoken to every cell of body and soul!!! You always help me trust the process, not allow my mind to react to the superficiality of the situation or person’s behavior. Your reading have supported me in my training of my mind to not assume and react, but rather remind myself that there are always deeper layers and reasons to everything and everyone’s behaviors and choices. It brought me more peace, trust, surrender, and ability to let go. ❤❤❤❤❤


Well for starters, my name is Taylor . I was watching another video and I accidentally hit this video so I knew that my spirit guides were directing me to this. My gosh, this truly does resonate. Thank you for helping me. Love and light.❤


My soul connection married his karmic so there is no “us.” My bf is completely authentic with me, vulnerable, honest, and forward moving. I’m a free spirit who flits around and goes wherever the wind blows, and my bf rolls with it, giving me all the love and support as well as the freedom I need. My SC and I had a magnetic attraction and probably would have made a great couple had we gotten together wayyy back then, but we didn’t. Life goes on.


Once again, my lovely Infinity, you have confirmed just about everything I already knew. My intuition grows stronger every day after being dormant for many, many years. Health issues and life kept me from becoming my true self. Not anymore. I stopped hiding from who I am. And am so much for the better for it. Love Light and Blessings to you and All My Sisters and Brothers of the Light ❤❤❤


You are truly on point with this title. I love you Infinity for all you do. Love and light 🙏🏾💜🕊️🔥


❤❤thank you for blessing us all with so much video content infinity


Thank you, Infinity. This message is so spot-on with my TF's current situation. I appreciate the confirmation. 💞🪷🦋


Thank you infinity, always confirming my intuition. I saw my twin yesterday. We’ve been close friends and he’s in a Karmic relationship


Felt it, and did the same. Mirroring their behavior. Thank you.


Yes I co-manifested this reading! I definitely needed this message!


Wow, Infinity! I can't tell you how many times you've said almost word-for-word exactly what I have just written in my journal. I literally was writing last night 'I'm losing interest, if he doesn't come through with something authentically him soon' didn't really want to complete the thought. I don't want to abandon him because I'm getting bored and frustrated. Seems kind of spiritually shitty, but at the same time I can't just go through the motions. He's gotta inspire me with something I know is genuinely 'him' or I can't keep giving. I intuitively knew he was gonna have to crack, crack open, at some point regardless of the path and the pace he chooses. Still it was nice to hear you say that. I knew that from the moment I encountered his 'spirit energy' wanting to connect with me. He can't continue on the path he is on, he was so desperate, lonely, and frankly on the edge of the precipice - he'd run out of options. I know, he knows, he can't stay on his current path and keep pretending. How do I continue to support him without becoming inauthentic myself?


I felt this video before. And I knew it would come and saw it 1 min after upload, which also proved me my psychic abilities again. These days I had so many synchronicities with your videos and words. Thank you for sharing your energy. 🥹


Omg yes infinity this is us . He is a Taurus & in a karmic relationship with 2 kids . We have been on this journey for almost 2 years . This journey is not easy & everything you said is how I feel


Truly on point! Thank you Infinity. Love and light sent to you!!✨️💫 ♾️ ❤
