Progressive Lawmakers Ridiculed for HUMANE Response to Violence in Israel & Gaza

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Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush have received criticism from Democrats over their compassionate—and objectively correct—statements concerning violence that broke out in Israel on Saturday after a devastating attack by Hamas. We’ll look at their statements as well as the backlash, and explain the important context regarding Israel and Palestine.



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You can condemn Hamas and still acknowledge Israel's longstanding oppression of Palastine. You are not antisemitic for critisizing a country. It's just that easy


As a African American I had no idea Palestinians were living under such horrible conditions. My hearts goes out to the victims on both sides of this conflict. Violence begets Violence.


Two things can be true at once.

-You can condemn Israel for its blatant humanitarian violations of the Palestinian people.

-You can condemn Hamas for launching a military operation who’s sole purpose appears to have been entirely to murder and kidnap civilians.


Well said people of Palestinian are suffering as well as people of Israel because of the Israeli fascist government


I'm always amazed by this, people whose ancestors were treated this way 80 years ago turn around and subject others to the same dehumanizing treatment. The only reason Isreal hasn't committed worse actions is because the world is watching


Well said; NOBODY is condoning the horrific attacks that Hamas has carried out against innocent Israeli civilians, but at the same time, those attacks do not justify the even greater atrocities that the extreme-right Israeli government has been carrying out against innocent Palestinians for decades. Especially appreciate the Michael Brooks clip at the end at 24:06 .


"Animals". It's not a new term or only to do with this attack. Yes, that's what they call Palestinians and all Arabs. I lived with a Jewish partner in the early 80s, and all his family here were Israeli immigrants to the US. The Israelis and my partner (real Reaganites and far right wingers) were openly racist, and the most common term for Palestinians was "animals". They laughed and made fun of how Arabs talked, what they wore, and made up gross stories about their personal habits. Many of their parents had died in the Nazi camps and my partner's parents had camp tattoos on their arms (they were kids then!). Interesting they could dehumanize people just like the Nazis did to their family members. I left that guy. And made sure to ask about politics before getting into a relationship since! They were also, not surprisingly, racist to all US minorities (Black and brown people were also "animals") and terrible misogynists.

They also had been brainwashed with some bizarre story that the founding Zionists paid for all the original land, fair and square. But when asked about expansion, they had no other answers but that the Arabs deserved it, or still insisted that they were were being paid for all Palestine.

This misinfo came from the 19th century (and earlier) settlers, who did buy plots of land from both Christian and Muslim Arabs in Palestine, except for the Jews already there as a small % of the population. The state of Israel was actually mandated by the British (it's a wasteland of uncivilized barbarians, so no one will care), so the Zionists moved in en masse and thus a war began soon after, in 1948. One million Palestinians were killed or displaced (that was probably more than the whole Israeli/Jewish population at the time!). So, no, no one bought a whole country! But the mythic and incorrect origin stories have been used to justified everything Israel has done since. With the current fascist government, I'm sure those myths and justifications are much worse than in the 80s.

The sad thing was, I really, really loved learning about Jewish traditions and participated in the holidays and other rituals. I even witnessed, in writing, and during the ceremony, the Jewish conversion of my partner's cousin's fiance. But I'm also thankful, as it helps me separate the rich Jewish culture I love from the Zionists and fascists.

I was also married to a Jew, although his family was very non-observant (except for the food, tg), although I loved my husband's sweet ancient Russian grandmother, who had escaped both Stalin and Hitler, and only knew 2 English words, "Eat, children, eat!" I always felt so cared for in her presence, and thst she was probably stuffing us for possible scarcity or famine later. What she must have been through! The story was in her eyes. That the Zionists don't know or aren't allowed to remember what apartheid and pogroms felt like, is beyond tragic and shows the power of propaganda and legend, backed by the West, over more than century.


What Micheal Brooks said right at the end about what happened to the ancestors of today's Isrealis is exactly what I've been wanting to say all day!


What's happening with the innocent Palestinians is truly disgusting. What disgusts me the most is that, Israel is being allowed to get away with their Apartheid laws. If it was the other way around, it wouldn't be allowed to stand because of superpowers like the USA. Yet when the Palestinians, who have been living in those lands for generations, try to live their lives. They are forced to live under a system that treats them as little more than sub-human. When South Africa did it, it was a huge major against humanity. When Israel does, it's fully justified because some dictator doesn't like share the land.


"Does this justify Hamas' slaughter of innocent Israelis? Absolutely not."

Well...That's a MUCH more complicated question than we'd like. Five generations of Palestinians have lived in an internationally approved Apartheid prison. At some point, the normal "rules of engagement" no longer apply.


Mike, thank you for giving much needed context to this horrible situation.


Anyone who's been following politics for a while knew this was coming. We never learn from our mistakes, no matter how often they're repeated.


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy


These progressive are right I am sick and tired of a lot of our lawmakers turning a blind eye to atrocities committed by Israel Palestinian people need to have rights in that country there needs to be a two state solution the prime minister and the leaders of gaza need to be brought up on war crime charges


Michael Brooks was such a brilliant human being and humanitarian. I still can’t believe he’s gone. I miss hearing his hilarious commentary and laughter in the background on the Majority Report. Sometimes it really seems there is truth to the saying that only the good die young. 😢


Two days before Hamas attacked Israel, some 800 settlers stormed the Al Aqsa mosque in Jeruzalem. These settlers were alos protected by the israeli police. That fact is never mentioned in many, if not all reports. I even think that the storming of that mosque could be a part of a larger Israeli strategy.


As a Palestinian my heart bleeds for my brothers and sisters in Gaza who are going to suffer


I am outraged as a Jew that the mere suggestion that Israel is culpable for fomenting anger and allowing hamas to radicalize Gazans is somehow wrong or anti democratic. The Israeli people are not a monolith and many despise bibi authoritarian regime.


When you destroy the lives of others, you run the risk of radicalizing them.


If these Democrats want our support they BETTER take the abuses of the Palestinians seriously, yes Isreal has the right to exist and this treatment of them by hamas is unacceptable...but human rights INCLUDES the human rights of Palestinians! If you cant get that right, how can you protect the rights of black people and minorities in America here ! Thats what we hire you for !
