10 Late Night Gamer CONFESSIONS We Finally Admitted

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Playing games late at night is often more troublesome than you'd think.
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Late night procrastinating.. like, When you're in a game like Skyrim and instead of getting caught up progressing, you get caught up making a sorting system for your stuff, tidying your inventory and decorating your house. Suddenly it's 4am and you're looking around your messy uncoordinated room wondering where the time went 😅


Lol! This was a hilariously on-point video. Not sure if Falcon wrote this, but whoever did felt these subjects with their soul.


TIP FOR OPENING DOORS QUIETLY: I’ve figured out the hinges creak due to stress from the weight of the door itself. So when you open a door, turn the handle, pick up on the handle as much as you can (as if your lifting the door by holding the handle) and then open the door. Do the same thing if your closing it too. It makes a big difference.


This video really hits all the late night gamer points so perfectly, I am totally guilty of all of these. The quietly opening and closing of doors hoping to god they don't squeak or click into place. That awful feeling you get in your gut if a floor board creaks under your feet while sneaking through the house in total darkness. Constantly looking over your shoulder hoping mom or dad isn't about to catch you. Jumping at every noise you hear....the ice maker was my worst enemy at night, it was always so loud when the ice would drop.


In my 30 years of gaming, I can honestly say I have lived through literally every one these multiple times. Great video!


I remember suffering from chicken pox when i was in early high school. As soon as I got better, my mom and brother got infected and they had worse fever than mine. Had the opportunity to play FF10 non stop since they can't scream at me or stop me from playing until almost morning since they were too weak to even do it. Worth it. 🤭


This is too relatable! I am losing it!
The ways that my 'latenight gamer' brain has rationalized all of these is amazing.

Latenight Gamer situation:
Playing on autopilot and then realizing your character is walking into a wall or walking in circles and you're not sure if it's been a minute or 30.


I did the late night miles morales platinum run it felt like I actually did a significant thing when the credits rolled as my mailman delivered the morning mail which I am normally asleep for the arrival of


That's a great list. I can confess to EVERY SINGLE ONE of these from my past 🤭😐😑
Back when I'd work long hours at a support worker job, I remember one night I played Elder Scrolls Skyrim, and I did many of the things listed here. Time would just disappear because of the immense immersion of that game. Then I'd eventually come round to checking the time, and it's almost as if you don't believe your own eyes when you see how late / early it is/ Then you look out the window and the sky is royal blue...😯😳😅

Also, back then, I always played games with no lamp on near the screen, slightly illuminating the room, and that blue light in your face from a screen is AWFUL for needing to sleep. Something to do with melatonin levels being messed with or something, where, even when you go to settle down, the body wants to rest, but the mind is sort of over stimulated, and now over tired. It's bonkers the amount of people who still ignore how severe blue light emission is at night. My parents do it all the time with their phones, and then wonder why they had such a crappy night sleep.
Nothing wrong with playing games late, or watching stuff, as long as you haven't got to wake up very early the next day, but it's definitely worth having a lamp on with a gentle warm light nearby. It'll help big time when it comes to drifting off to sleep. Like they say, there's wisdom in learning from other peoples' mistakes too. So learn from mine aswell as your own, if you also do that 👍😉😜


The fact I have done all these several times over my life and still turned out just fine is the ultimate middle finger to every adult telling me my gaming habits are ruining my future. Got the last laugh on that one!


Night gaming is the best! When you play scary games is just peek perfection!


Getting the giggles with friends is the best fuckin thing, I'll never hear the phrase "good luck with that" the same way again lmao


Never had the “getting caught” problem and I’ve been doing it for 15 years, didn’t have problems with my mom she was okay with it bless her soul, had a roommate once he used to stay up longer than me, now I live with my girlfriend and she is super cool with it she goes to bed and says “play as much as you want just don’t stay up all night”


Me watching this video at 0435 in the morning.... Yup. 😂 And my sixth sense people detector just went off someone went to the bathroom a floor up... even though I don't even have to hide my late night gaming. It just becomes an instinct that triggers even when you don't have to worry about it. 😅


This video basically explains all the unhealthy consequences of late night gaming, or even in general not sleeping enough


This one hit real close to home. It's all the issues I've delt with my whole life but one wasn't touched on enough an hear me out should have been included an maybe I missed it but... When your playing a multiplayer and you need 1 win to shut it off and you don't get that satisfaction and you keep going for hours. Same in a single player when you know you can get through this one spot.. so many hours wasted to fighting the I can do it


amazing how the skills to be a late night gamer meshes so well with being a teenager that would sneak out. 2007 was such a simpler time.


8:40 had this happen to me a couple of times when i was a Teenager

Played an UNGODLY amount of time Blood Omen and Soul Reaver, i was so engrossed into it, that it turned into an obbession, even went on the famous Nosgothic-realms boards to read and write fan theories about the world of Legacy of Kain.

To the point where i would dream at night that i was a Vampire, fighting hordes of undead monstrosities in dank cryptes and ruins, trying to suck their souls out of their bodies...

I also would spent 16hour a day playing Space Engineers when the Multiplayer update came out back in 2014, i have a Seasonal job, so i actually work 7 months per year, in winter time i have like 4 months where i don't have to work, so...playing 16hours a day for 4 months...i rapdily went over the 1000 hours of playtime mark...


I've been gaming my whole life. This was funny af.... I love that you referenced older generations.... you speak truth.


Seriously relate to this. Started Final Fantasy XIV during the Christmas break. I was playing until 4am, waking up midday, eating, showering etc and then back at it. Not sustainable right now, so generally finish up at 11pm after staying at 6pm. Unfortunate side effect though is burn out from the game, which I am getting heavily at the moment and I am trying to take a step back.
