Nothing Can Stop Us Now! Pouring The Foundation Of Our Off Grid House Addition

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Of course you're working again Greg, why was I not surprised 🤣 you're a trooper that's for sure. So good to see you on the improve, although take it a bit easy as i can see you are not your normal self which is totally normal and okay. What happened to you is a big deal. Katie rising to the occasion and taking up concreting, you guys are awesome.


Pro Tip / poor man's vibrator is a Sawzall with no blade pressed against the forms to vibrate the concrete / almost always stops voids and makes finishing easier


Hi Greg and Katie, one of my favorite songs is some days are Diamonds some days are stones, Guys stop fretting about the metal put it up and change the color later, great job on the Sona tubes!!!! Great site


Awesome, Greg! So happy to hear that you are healing quickly. THAT is because of prayers to Jesus. Lots of people, other than myself, have been praying for you. HE is healing you. That’s why HE died for you - so you can be protected from serious harm and sicknesses. Praise the Lord. 🙏🙏❤️


Wishing you a speedy recovery Greg You have a strong woman who has your back much love from here in the UK


Outstanding video. You got a good load of concrete. Should be strong. As a former concrete tester, it checked all the boxes for what appeared a good mix. The right amount of water for a good slump of about 2.75-3.25”. I’m impressed at your finishing techniques as well, Katie. Rest enhances healing, Greg. Great channel👍✔️


Greg you have a winner in Katy! She does everything with a smile


So nice to see help from your neighbor on the concrete pour! Awesome job Katie. Greg REST REST‼️💜🦋


Hey guy's, Greg, just want you to know that we put you on our prayer list at church this past Sunday. The Good Lord was watching out for you my friend. I've seen first hand what a disc explosion can do. You keep recovering and get back to full speed. So, prayers for you both from northeast Georgia. Keep your spirits high and love on Katie for being there for you. Looking forward to the addition build. Stay safe!!!!


Want to help these guys out with their YT channel. Open their video, let it run through, shwoing all the commercials until the end. Then watch it again and you can skip the commercials. Click the thumbs up, and leave a comment, even just to say high. Also, clicking on a video at the end will help.


Greg, I have to say you are one of the luckiest guys in the world. Thank God it wasn't worse than what it is. I'm glad you are going to be okay. Take your time to heal up. I'm saying that because I am a past EMT, and you my friend need to take it easy and step away and let others help you out. You have a great lady there and I'm sure she was a nervous wreck when all this happened. Chill out and let others help you out or wait until you are healed up. Love your channel and I do watch it. It's great to see what you and your wife have accomplished over the past few years. You've accomplished a lot. Heal up and please be safe and careful.


So happy to see Gregg is in good spirits. Take time to heal...good for Katie to be on top for a change 😉 love your team work. Great couple great channel...


spray the panels with brake fluid and let set for a few days then wash them off


You did it Katie and with Greg's support every thing turned out well. Love you guys.


Now Greg, rest up and don't move around so much. Heal those wounds. Katie and neighbor were Awesome. I'm happy your neighbor friend supported you Big time. Hugs from Santa Barbara 👋😎🍷🌹😘🤗🐐


I really enjoy watching your channel. First of all, Greg, take care and you will be back to your old self in no time. Katie, make sure he listens to you, so he recovers faster.
Thought I would mention, if you are still trying to remove that paint from the panels, try some Circa 1850, brush it on, let it sit for about 30 mins then it should bubble the paint and you can just scrap it off or even high pressure wash it
Continue your homesteading.
All the best


Rest up! What a great neighbor you have !


You both are amazing ❤ glad that you were able to get the job done. Kudos to your neighbor for his help❤❤❤Greg continue to rest oh by the way You’re not useless by all means. Love you guys❤❤❤❤


Greg, I hope you get well soon! Take it easy! ❤
Just a reminder while Greg is recovering, that we love videos of your animals too (SO MUCH) 😂 and would happily come along while you "walk" the goats & dogs with your quad!
🐐 ❤️ 🐕 ❤


Katie and Greg, you have something money can’t buy, phenomenal neighbours! Rest up Greg, Katie’s got your back
