The FC Shake

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A Senior Project Music Video by Andrew Nadkarni, Thomas Fakharzadeh, and Will Pedrick (Class of '13) featuring Dwight Dunston (Class of '06) about Friends' Central School.

FCS, yea, since 1845! Shout out to the development office!

What you want, we've got
When you come to Friends Central
The Quaker Spices are very special
Like community and peace! And more (Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Service)
Well discussion based learning is always better
Sitting in a circle together
Mr. V gave a Ted Talk. That's BIG!
Well FC, this school is perfect for me!
And you! You too, and you, and you!

I Really love this School, Cafeteria staff's so awesome
I'm hungry, want a Phoenix Burger, this is freaking awesome!
Swag, walk into Shimada like what up we got a big gym
Plethora of fields and a pool where sharks swim
Beautiful track is so darn Quaker
Opponents like Ayy this is 23 acres
Rollin in, blue and white, 'bout to get another win
We have a great trainer cause you know we're goin' all in
Cherry trees we seed 'em, it's an arboretum
8 to 1 student teacher ratio we lead 'em... TEACH!
And hey, the class max is 20!
What up, FC? Rock the Blue and White! Let's GO!
Vous pouvez apprendre le français et aller sur le voyage d'échange (You can learn French and go on the exchange trip)
Quizas, quizas, quizas... Puedes aprender español, español! Y también tenemos un viaje a Peru (Perhaps, you can learn Spanish, and we also have a trip to Peru)
Potest discere Latinam et ire ad Romam (you can learn Latin and travel to Rome)

Now were switching gears a little, lets explore this math and science
We got Chemistry Biology and Physics at its finest
A lab in every room, so you're learning by experience
STEAM, Core Team, Olympiad for students who are curious
Moving to Math, so many paths, the power of three, a large degree
Algebra Calculus Function Analysis, Trigo, Statistics and Geometry!
Computer Labs, A Lecture Hall
You need some Tech Help? We got it all
Trust us on our Q U A K E R Double-U O R K S grind
Repping Philly but we got that Wynnewood state of mind
Chorus, Jazz Band playing
Little bit of vocal, orchestra AMAZING
Somewhere between like plays and concerts
Packed house there's a lot a good support
Now you can see, our brand new gallery
In and out of class, using photo, clay, wood, paint,
Plus we got drama kids blowing up the Cappies
You're gone miss this, alumni coming back to this business
Now here's a verse from Mr. Dunston, an '06 alumnus

[Sterling Duns] I'm calling alums back, who been gone for years
You remember these chairs, you remember these
One to one computing now, whoa that's so cool
Let me do some laps in the pool (swimming)
Assemblies and service, signed up for 50 different clubs on purpose
And guess what, the phones ringing all crazy
But I'm in Felson Commons learning about daisies
Memories all day, everyday
I carry these things like the book in the 10th grade
Hey Holden, these rhymes are golden
No phonies, just know please, the doors always open

I got this feeling laying in the oval yesterday
I saw these kids having a great time I just wanna say
There's no way I could ever go to any other school
Friends Central is the very best
I love school, I love it!
I love school, I love it!

Now we're in the Library, we have to whisper
We respect people's work!
Let's GO!

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