Painted Turtle Lays Eggs

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The breeding period for painted turtles is from March to mid-June, with peak breeding time in April. Males perform an elaborate mating ritual. They face the females and wave their long front claws. After breeding, the female will leave the water to dig a nest to deposit her eggs. Eggs are laid sometime between May and July. The nest is usually within a few yards of water, but may be up to a half mile away. Females may travel significant distances, crossing roads, to find optimal nesting sites. The nest is a flask-shaped cavity in the ground. After the eggs (2 to 11, but typically 5 to 6) are deposited, they are covered with layers of soil and left to develop on their own. Females may lay 2 clutches per year. The incubation period is 72 to 80 days. (CT DEEP) Video by Jen Payne.
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