Complain to Human Resources (the right way)

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This video is how to complain to human resources the correct way. This is the second video the series.

Branigan Robertson is an employment lawyer in Orange County, California. His firm exclusively represents employees in lawsuits against their employers.

Please subscribe to Branigan's channel!

00:00 - Introduction on How to Complain to HR Correctly
01:01 - Let's Get on the Same Page
04:10 - Big Picture
05:41 - When Should Someone Complain to HR?
07:21 - How to Complain Properly to HR
12:49 - What Should You Expect to Happen After You Complain to HR?
16:02 - Conclusion

#HumanResources #WorkplaceComplaint #EmploymentLawyer
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⚠ If you’ve ever complained to HR, tell us how they responded and the result (good or bad) that you got! ⚠


It's funny when HR says they'll "investigate" the situation. This reminds me of how the police 'investigates' themselves and find they did nothing wrong lol.


We had a female pregnant co-worker asked when she was going to turn in her two week notice by our manager so she could care for her twins. Being a small company and a tight knit group we, all of the staff, took a vote. We all decided that either the manager goes or we all quit at the same time. Only then we all contacted HR and the VP about the incident and told them it is the manager or the entire site is shutdown for good. Since our site was the only one servicing the Southeastern and Western United States and Puerto Rico (with our big customer base in Texas and Florida) at the time that would have been a serious blow to the company.

The incident was resolved satisfactorily, we got to chose a new manager from our own group, and things went on like nothing happened for the next 9 years until we got bought out.


Complaining to the manager already got me targeted for workplace sabotage and termination. I have not even reported to HR yet, but all my witnesses are “suddenly” having amnesia.


Complained to HR about harassment and extreme bullying many times and was told to take my complaints directly to the bullies and try and work it out. Two years later and continued discrimination and bullying, there's a new sheriff in town AKA the newly hired Store Manager. The new manager has wrongfully written me up twice in a week. Guess what happens after the 3rd writeup? No one in the company cares about what's going on, and it's easier to hire an axe man who will "fix the issue". These videos have been an invaluable source of information during a very stressful time in my life.


As an IT systems admin. I can tell you the difference between good HR and bad HR. A good HR will start collecting evidence such as camera footage, emails, login data, IP addresses, proof. A bad HR will start collecting testimony.


I never cosplayed at work, I just went into quiet quitting mode and looked for another job. useful video in case I have to complain.


OK I've only brought up one issue with HR. OK I used to be a teacher. I survived a school shooting when I was 17. Once our school's principal found out about my history, voluntarily provided this info to HR during Disability Awareness Month when they sent out a survey that was supposed to be confidential, she decided we're going to have an active shooter drill on a weekly basis. I filed a written complaint, along with a letter from my therapist, as the frequency of the drills were triggering my PTSD. This got back our Principal, and she decided to place me on an Performance Improvement Plan that she actually wrote "take 1 month off without pay and get cured of your PTSD!" I stabilized my condition and returned with the paperwork for an ADA Accommodation. A week later HR contacted me that I was terminated for not following the guidelines of the PIP, and wanted to schedule an exit interview and also pick up my final paycheck and unused PTO. Never went to the exit interview, but I did take my PIP and Termination notice to an employment lawyer and he took the case pro-bono. Apparently the principal thought "at-will employment" was a valid defense against ADA discrimination and HR backed her.


I have been working at various companies in corporate America for 35 years and every single time I complained to HR something bad happened to me not long after.


I made a complaint about a new manager 4 years ago, harrassment/bullying. I've complained to HR who told me its her management style. I've worked for the company 39yrs. Time to get out.


I got canned after complaining to HR about being bullied and harassed - horrendously and constantly. Wish I would have seen this before all that happened, but man I feel better after watching it either way. The pattern fits my situation to a T. After the complaint, suddenly I was being documented for performance improvement nonsense, being blamed for all kinds of stuff I clearly didn’t do. It’s good to understand the reasons why. Thanks for the video!


I feel for all of you. Corporate America is one of the last places I would like to work in. No protection from being fired, HR complaints get you fired etc. I don't understand how you can even build a life over there without taking pills against anxiety because you could lose your job at any time.


I thought I was doing the right thing when I helped a colleague with her sexual harassment compliant. Soon after I was fired. Never again. I least I can sleep at night. I witnessed it and don’t regret doing what I thought aligned with my values.


I'd just like to throw out the suggestion of using your e-mail post HR or Supervisor meetings.Thank them for sitting down with you and lay out what was discussed and what everyone agreed to do as the next steps. Then finish with, "Please let me know if I've missed of misunderstood anything." That way you have notes on what was said, who was there AND you gave them a chance to correct anything you said happened.


I have had a handful of interactions with HR departments over the years, and immediately I noticed some patterns which *all* of your content confirms, Branigan. Your content expounds and elucidates on every single suspicion of mine. My strategy with HR over the years has been this: know your adversary’s playbook, and in that way, you will be more likely to come out on top. Having excellent communication skills is *HUGE* when dealing with HR and initiating complaints. You never want to come off like a bull in a china shop, because at best, they won’t take you seriously. At worst, you will be scooted out the door faster than you can say “unemployment.” I’ve watched this same phenomenon take place at least a dozen times. *KNOW* your adversary and what their game is. I often tell newbies, “Walking into HR with a complaint is like walking into a casino. They’ve stacked the deck, and the house always wins.” That isn’t to say HR is always evil, but you have to understand who you’re talking to and what their interests are. Here’s a pro-tip for anyone out there who gets involved with an HR investigation: they’re looking for any inconsistencies in your testimony that they can poke holes in, so you need to keep your answers short. If the question only requires a “yes” or “no, ” then that’s all you give them. Do not be tentative, because they’re trying to hand you just enough rope to hang yourself. Being tentative will only make them more vicious. At most, do not answer their questions with more than 5 or 6 words at most. Remember: the name of the game is keeping your story consistent. Also, short answers will help you remember what you said when the next series of questions is asked. The next series of questions will always be identical to the first series, except worded differently in order to get you to change your answers. Stay concise, stay consistent, and stay brief. Don’t give them more than they’re asking for, because you’ll hang yourself and that’s what they want. HR partners and reps are *adept* at tripping you up, so always walk in with an air-tight testimony they can’t poke holes in.


I work for a huge top Forbes company and face regular discrimination and harassment due to having a legally protected disability. I recently met with a few of the executives to report some horrible bullying by my manager and peers. The executives refused to move me to another area as my manager lied when asked about his behavior and said he is only trying to make me good at my job and that I get mad when anyone gives me feedback. He lied about every incident I had documented and said he never said these things and doesn’t know how I could even think these things up as he has only tried to help me.
They illegally pulled an approved ADA accommodation and then said they wouldn’t approve a new one and I wouldn’t be able to work. But management didn’t update the paperwork to show this and wouldn’t put it in writing. When I challenged it and sent emails to our ADA HR dept. and HR, they told me to submit a new accommodation due to the verbiage my Dr. used and then approved the new one. This went back and forth for many weeks before the new one was approved. It seemed like they approved the second one finally as they saw I was fighting it and possibly wanted to sweep it under the rug. HR and the execs say that the new one is approved so there is nothing to look into and no damage done. I was not considered for a better position I applied for because I have been labeled as an HR problem over this and it gave me terrible ulcers and stress over the unprofessional berating calls I received from management when I was trying to get this accommodation issue resolved. This is in Texas, so the laws are a bit different than California.
Now my manager is going back and re-reviewing my work prior to meeting with the execs and finding many things “incorrect”that were not found to be incorrect before. He is reassigning others’ work to me trying to make sure I can’t keep up and even though overtime is open, he suddenly banned me and only me from doing it. I have been working overtime for 8 years and my work quality has actually won me awards but now is not good enough. It seems like he is trying to manage me out. Prior to reporting the bullying and discrimination, I was considered a top producer and a “mentor”.
I would encourage anyone starting a new job or dealing with any type of harassment & discrimination to document the heck out of everything.
I am thankful for videos like these as over the years they have taught me to keep all of my yearly reviews, emails, productivity reports and other important data.
Thank you Branigan. Your information has been so valuable and helpful.


I did have to complain to hr about a hostile work environment and they were actually very helpful in standing up for me to management and offering helpful advice, even though i ended up leaving anyway. I eventually learned that most of the staff had conflicts with each other that they probably would never resolve.


I skipped the HR complaint, went right to the Integrity hotline and made sure I said who I was. It actually worked, and I was protected, at least for a while. I didn’t realize then how rigged it all was, but I knew HR was not to be trusted.


I had to learn the Hard way, I done everything you said don't do I did. But through it learned all about the things you said through many outlets like yours. And people, listen to this Man he is telling you the truth. You have to be smart, and do not join in with everyone else's drama around you. Do your best everyday, keep smiling through it all. Pray for God to be your protector and move the mountains in your way.. you and God will be the Majority.. but please heed the advice in this Video it will save you heartache. God bless you all!


I'm from Poland but those videos are so spot on even for someone working in corporation over here.
Thank you, Sir.
