US Senate, lab origin most likely

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Senate report on COVID coronavirus origins

the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 that resulted in the COVID-19 pandemic was most likely the result of a research-related incident

Dec. 20, 2019 to Jan. 18, 2020

Searches for flu-like symptoms

Cases probably started mid October, 2019

Analysis of Natural Zoonotic Origins Hypothesis

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

Lack of intermediate bats to humans

Virus likely needed to circulate in an intermediate host

An animal virus must evolve to gain human infecting potential

Closest virus is in horseshoe bats residing in Southern China or Southeast Asia

Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak Differs from Previous Natural Zoonotic Spill overs

Lack of dead ends spill over events, no epidemiological train in animals or humans


Infected poultry and birds always found

H7N9 (2019) multiple independent introductions across multiple locations

Geographically disparate, independent spill overs of H7N9

Avian Influenza

had circulated in bird populations,

time and several provinces in China before the first known human infections

SARS epidemic

At least five independent spill overs of the SARS virus into humans

Live animal markets followed by human to human

E.g. Guangdong Province, November 2002 to January 2003

SARS, later on in 2003 – 2004

Additional independent subsequent spill over infections in humans

Civets identified within 6 months

Early SARS viral samples from humans contained genetic mutations that reflected prior circulation and adaptation in palm civets

In total contrast

Chinese government, asserted that the COVID-19 originated from a natural zoonotic transmission occurring at the Huanan market

Geo-temporal spread of COVID-19 in China, December 31, 2019 to February 11, 2020

Earliest identified SARS-CoV-2 well-adapted for human-to-human transmission

Early SARS-CoV-2 variants had little genetic diversity, 2 nucleotides out of 29,900

(Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Uracil)

No evidence of previous intermediate host circulation

Genetic similarity between the environmental samples and human viral samples,

supports the likelihood that the virus found at the Huanan Seafood Market was shed by humans

Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee,

to address pandemic preparedness and response programs

Interim report, to examine the two prevailing theories of origin

Last fifteen months

Reviewed several hundred scientific studies,

interviewed several dozen subject matter experts,

analyzed previous reports and studies.
The lack of transparency and collaboration from government and public health officials in the People’s Republic of China with respect to the origins of SARS-CoV-2 prevents reaching a more definitive conclusion.

I hope this report will guide the World Health Organization and other international institutions



Since January 3, 2020,

People’s Republic of China (PRC) have prohibited sharing or publishing any information on SARS-CoV-2 without state review and approval.

Establishing timeline, is difficult

Mid October, 2019
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One of the most frustrating things about this whole situation is how many people have been saying this from very early on, but were mocked, censored and vilified by our media outlets for doing so. I will *never* trust them in the same way after the way I've seen them behave.

(Edit: It's frustrating, but we have to have faith in the universal power of justice - "Do not say, 'I will repay evil'' wait for the LORD, and he will deliver you." [Proverbs 20])


Dr. Campbell is faster in releasing this news than all media outlets in my country during the whole day. Thank you. 🙏


My wife and I were in Wuhan in late September 2019 for 3 days. Our tour guides were Ill, saying it was the worst flu they had seen. My wife became very Ill and could hardly breath. She was taken to hospital. On returning to Australia, she became Ill again, and we called an ambulance. She had l major inflammation in the chest. This was followed by an ear infection. She now has permanent hearing loss in one ear. She was a healthy dance instructor with no underlying health conditions. This virus was circulating in July / August based on the accounts of people we met over there.


My wife & I were both quite ill in late Jan-early Feb 2020 with what we are convinced was wild-type COVID. We were told it couldn't have been. We are continually being lied to. Neither of us has been the same since. As a retired nurse, I find the politicizing and secrecy behind this pandemic appalling and criminal.


A friend in a related research field said this early 2020, based on conversations with colleagues. When I shared it with a (now former) friend and journalist in one of the world's biggest press agencies, she immediately labelled me a conspiracy theorist. And when I didn't get vaccinated for medical reasons, I was frozen out. I keep feeling vindicated, but also love for those who must have felt so much fear that they would rather harm others in all sorts of ways than face the truth. God bless her soul.


Early in this pandemic, when Luc Montagnier, a Virology Noble Price winner (2008) and therefore one the most competent chaps, was completely silenced after a talk show in French TV where he stated that he would not exclude the possibility of a laboratory origin of this virus, it was clear to me that this virus has indeed escaped a lab. Why else would you ignore a capacity like Montagnier after that? He was called a senile old guy who is too old to understand todays virology. Sadly he died in february.


The kind of reporting that we used to expect from the BBC back in the day. Much respect for pursuing the truth in this climate.


I quite like the theory that it may have leaked from Fort Detrick USA, in which the USAMRIID laboratory at the base (known to test Coronaviruses) was shut down in August 2019 for at least two breaches of containment. Many Nursing homes deaths occurred around this time near the facility and there were many mysterious vape deaths taking place in the US, yet not elsewhere!

The 2019 Military World Games were held from October 18–27, 2019 in Wuhan, so could it have been brought to China by an American participant?

Athletes Élodie Clouvel and Matteo Tagliariol and others stated they developed a severe illness around the time they attended the games after falling ill and developing covid symptoms.

I know it is probably Chinese propaganda, but the evidence is out there with these mysterious deaths in the US. Plus, I bet if it were true, it would be covered up at all costs!!!


This was pretty obvious from the start. Glad to see it’s being discussed openly.


Thank you Dr Campbell for not looking the other way 🙏


Whats truly terrifying is the stigma of discussing this the last few years.


I like that all you have to say is "lab origin" and everybody immediately understands. Everyone who already thought so was reasonably suspicious. Thanks for the upload 🙂


I'd like to see Dr. Campbell nominated for a Nobel Prize in Peace. He's a warrior for truth, fearlessly methodical. God bless him. God bless us, everyone.


I saw an article about a French doctor that had won a nobel prize for his work on the AIDS virus, saying that he examined the corona virus and he indicated it had to be lab generated


Dr. Campbell I want you to know how much I appreciated your coverage during the pandemic. You were a moment of calm reporting what was happening.


Finally! Let the TRUTH be heard!!!! Thank You Dr. Campbell!! 🙏🏻 It's time to Free 💪🏻The💪🏻Truth💪🏻! Free💪🏻The 💪🏻 Truth💪🏻!


I got very ill in December 2019 living in the UK and thought I was in serious trouble! The hospital could not work out what was wrong with me, gave me antibiotics, I could not breath and eventually had to have a bed made for me downstairs as I could not even walk up the stairs to the bedroom. There has been such a terrible cover up and I cannot believe how those in charge are getting away with it including the Pharma companies who are now raking it in...


Been saying it since day one. If this was a natural virus, why no straight answers for 3 years concerning it's origin? What's the big secret?
People suffered and still are suffering regarding multiple infections and long term ill effects and people died unnecessarily. The truth is coming and so is justice for those responsible for this. In this life and the next.
Brilliant report, Dr. John, may God bless you and keep doing the good work!


This virus absolutely was around well before December 2019. My own experience to add here... I've used N95 masks for working in the yard, woodworking projects, etc., for more than ten years just to spare my asthmatic lungs from any unnecessary dust and allergy exposures. I had a big house renovation project planned for October 2019 and went to buy 3M 2810 masks like I'd always done. Couldn't find a box to be purchased. None. What the heck is going on? No kidding, I delayed my starting the project until I could finally order the masks about a month later, in November 2019. I suspect our "friends" overseas had been buying them up, knowing already what was already unleashed. I will fully admit it could be coincidence but I've never had that difficulty before. Thankfully, I had that one box that had to last me much of 2020 by reusing them because they remained unavailable for purchase. Either way, when this pandemic broke into the news conscious for me in Feb/Mar 2020, I had a moment where said out loud, "so THAT is why I couldn't find any masks last year!" (Do read the excellent report, and thanks for the excellent reporting by Dr. Campbell.)


Dr. Campbell, you are a treasure to the world. Thanks for the detailed explanation. God bless.
