Playwright Beginner Tutorial 6 | How to use Trace Viewer

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00:00 *Intro*
01:05 *What is Trace Viewer*
Trace Viewer is a GUI tool that helps viewing the executed test along with snapshots, timeline and other details (traces)

03:14 *How to use Trace Viewer*
Step 1 - Open config file and set trace: 'on-first-retry'
It means - Collect trace when retrying the failed test for the 1st time only
Step 2 - Save and Run a test to fail

14:28 *Screenshot moment*

14:34 *Trace Viewer Options*
'on-first-retry' - Record a trace only when retrying a test for the first time.
'off' - Do not record a trace.
'on' - Record a trace for each test. (not recommended as it's performance heavy)
'retain-on-failure' - Record a trace for each test, but remove it from successful test runs

To set trace on from command *npx playwright test --trace on*

15:32 *Screenshot moment*

15:56 *Different ways to view trace*
Using HTML Report

17:12 *How to set Tracing programmatically*

// test code

let context
let page


38:24 *Outro*

#playwright #automation #testing





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Raghav Pal

1:40 screen shot of *trace viewer*
3:15 how to use *Trace Viewer*


You are one of the best tutor i have come across in life. Thanks man


Hello Raghav, I am a beginner in Playwright and found these videos immensely helpful. I like your way of teaching from scratch, easy to comprehend and gives new learners the confidence to kickstart with Playwright. I was wondering if you plan to organise for formal Playwright training sessions this year ? so that some interested learners like me can be benefitted from some more common use cases automation using Playwright tool . Of course, we have the dev tutorials from Playwright documentation but the way you have been teaching, simplifies the usage and understanding of the tool, specially for beginners like me


I am an absolut beginner,
very proud to have followed until here and very curious
for the upcoming sessions. Thank you for these great instructions!


Another wonderful video! Appreciate your wonderful work :)


Hi Raghav, The video was very helpful in learning playwright. In my config file, the time out parameter is not exists, so that i could not modify the time out settings for the trace viewer.please guide.


I am newbie to Playwright and found your video quite helpful as a starter.I thing i observed, in the trace viewer steps, i can see some additional steps like Before Hooks(fixure: page>browserContext.newPage at the beginning and After Hooks step at the end of the test steps.I can't find any such steps in the spec, js file i am targeting for execution. Does Playwright trace viewer generate those steps internally by default orIs it by default a settings for trace viewer?In which file those Hooks steps are written?Thanks


Hi Raghav,
I am also a beginner - Playwright with javascript, your tutorial is helping me a lot to understand the plyawright.
Qus : if i am not adding '.spec' in my .js file name the command to run the test ie 'npx playwright test' is not picking the .js file, can you plz tell why this keyword is require in .js file naming convension?


Thank you for the sessions, Happy Teachers Day sir


Why would a user want to programmatically specify tracing in the test .js file itself, rather than just setting it up via the playwright.config.js or via the command line `npx playwright test --trace on`?


thanks for all your help from your videos. I was able to automate multiple websites from your tutorials. I am kind of stuck though on a few websites. I see the Traceveiwer allows us to get more in depth on what error is occuring but what do I do if the code i am using i got from the playwright codegen? Now the file runs brings up the browser and enter a few text boxes but stops before completing page. Terminal is reading it came as a error for lets say the password text box. How do i go about fixing this if the code came directly from the codegen


Hi sir, your videos are so good to learn. these videos are so helping to me. pls help me by doing video on Data parameterization through CSV, Xlsx files


Hi @RahgavPal. Can we get a detailed report (OS, Browser, Time etc.) when we run one or more tests successfully in Playwright? Thanks in advanced.


My trace report that I put for a specific test by adding at the beginning: await screenshots: true, snapshots: true });
and at the end of my test: const tracePath = await is giving me a strange file that is not a zip file and cannot be opened by trace viewer.

Do you know how can I fix that?


Hello sir, please explain us trace viewer eclipse pom model..
And can we capture both video and snapshots in eclipse pom model...pls share ...


I am an beginner, in testing
how i can fix this error
PS D:\playwright_automaed_ extention_vs-code> npx playwright test .\test\record1_demo.spec.js --headed --prError: No tests found

To open last HTML report run:

npx playwright show-report


Hi @Raghav Sir
not able to trace website like amazon for testing purpose
can u tell me why is it so


Hi Raghav, thank you for the video, I'm getting this error:

"SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and the top level bodies of modules
Error: No tests found.
Make sure that arguments are regular expressions matching test files.
You may need to escape symbols like "$" or "*" and quote the arguments."

I'm new to Type script, could you please help with this, thank you.


Hi Raghav, good day. I'm trying to create the trace file using context.tracing in my test file but never is created. I have the same values in the playwright.config.ts with "retries: 1, ". Do you know what can be happening?


Hi Raghav! I have a record created with default settings. When running it, it passes when using project chromium and webkit but it failes with firefox. In order to avoid this should i make separately a record with firefox ?
