This Pastor Was Forced to Leave His Congregation After Dressing in Drag on a TV Show

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Indiana pastor Craig Duke made national headlines when his appearance on HBO’s drag queen-centered show, “We’re Here,” ultimately led him to leave his congregation. The controversy around the pastor dressed as a drag queen stemmed from his efforts to support his queer daughter and he doesn’t have any regrets. Pastor Craig and his daughter, Tiffany, talk about inclusion and more in their first-ever TV interview with Tamron Hall.

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From the deeply moving to the purely fun, “Tamron Hall” is a daily destination for all things topical and a platform for viewers to connect with the people who are shaping our world through meaningful, engaging, and entertaining conversations. As a new mom, a newlywed, and a survivor who is proving you can accomplish anything at any age, Tamron Hall brings a refreshing, relatable, unpredictable, and unstoppable voice to television.
Broadcast from New York City featuring a dynamic mix of live and taped shows, “Tamron Hall” airs across the country in national syndication.

No such thing as modern Christianity. Christianity is Christanity.


"When Tiffany came out to us, she's still our daughter."

"I still can't understand how a parent could reject their child simply for being who they are." How profound... 💜💜💜


God bless pastor Craig for this message of Love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Shame on anyone calling themselves Christ-Like sending death threats and hate mail.


I think the Pastor should be thankful not to have to interact w. such hateful people. He deserves to share his love with a more Christian group of people. "As You Are" is happy to have him.


This is what a real Christian looks like. Just love everybody. Bravo to him and may God continue to bless and keep him!!


My daughter is using drugs, so I'll do drugs to support her?!


I love this story so much 🥺😭
"Go out there and love everyone"


Just reading all the comments from "Christians" who haven't watched "We're Here" and this specific episode. Your comments speak to why his doing this was so necessary.


He should have never been a Pastor. Watered down doctrine. Love your children but don’t except their sin.


Some of these so called Christians are extremely fake. He’s living in love and being inclusive which is what we should look for in our spiritual leaders


Some of these so called Christians need to take a look in their mirrors and are reading their Bible upside down. Kudos to her father!


This church is not Godly. God loves all of us.


It shouldn't surprise anyone. He's Methodist. What I'm shocked about it they made him step down from pastor.


To be it was such a powerful moment when i watched the show - God loves ALL. ALL are welcome. We can learn by stepping into someone's else's shoes for a time (or their heels). And for the onslaught of hate that came for him? So sad. But, i do hope he realized that there are many churches and denominations. And just becauase that one rejected him, doesn't mean there aren't many out there that would welcome him.


Churches are not worried about sin but the church should never agree to the acceptance of loving sin. This is why the world is shaking and why destruction is here. Her father is gay or bisexual.


I think everyone should support their children but he made a vow to God and his congregation to uphold scripture. Parents can love their children even if they disagree with their lifestyle choices.
That’s what makes Gods love so amazing. I’m not going to water down the Gospel for anyone. That’s what will save our world. If not for grace, there I would be. But it was both Grace and Truth that led me to freedom. That is the Gospel and the Good News. It’s respecting people and their choices while loving God the way He created us to be.


Not everyone needs a leadership role in their church, you can worship and be a member. When you are a leader you are held to a different standard


Trow your tv away as a big vote againts this nonesense


The Bible/ Jesus Christ has principles or doctrine in which his followers are instructed to live by. They are clear as night and day, however in this day and age, many are looking for a watered down, less restrictive and more inclusive form of these original instructions or doctrine. This is now called the Modern Gospel...


When you give your life to Christ you are supposed to put your own views opinions, feelings everthing down and put Christ first ahead of yourself and others (including your family yes your own flesh and blood). We are to adopt the principles and morals as God has written in the Bible and Jesus demonstrated when he walked this earth. People seem to forget we, humans were bought with a price! that price was Christ sacrifing His life for every single human being born into this sinful world. His Blood was shed for our atonement. As a person in leadership position leading God's children those leaders are held responsible and accountable for what they are teaching to people. If those leaders do not teach God's TRUTH (not their own interpretation or another bibles waterdown translation), then they are misleading and/or leading astray those they are supposed to be leading TO God. and just to be clear leading astray may not be an immediate manifestation, but could come years down the line because of the seed (of wrong teaching) that was sewn in a person's mind/heart, therefore those types of leaders will be judged more harshly by God. Those leaders Have to be upstanding to the highest levels with no blemishes etc because they will be judged for it. That's why not everyone, will be teachers, pastors etc James 3.1. Nothwithstanding that, we as individuals are also responsible for our ownselves we should not be just taking pastor's word, but reading and studying the Word of God (Bible)and developing our own relationship with God so that we cannot be deceived by man - ignorance will not get us off the hook with God when we stand before Him come judgement day. God loves all his children. However, the Bible makes very clear the that God does not like and anyone behaving/practicing those kinds will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven (in others will go to hell). Fornication, adultery, homosexuality etc are just of few of many practices God does not like - it's not the person God hates but the practices, the acts and anyone who does and continues to do such will suffer the consequences.
It doesn't matter who you are and what great things you've done or that you practice kindeness everywhere you go etc - the individual will be considered having iniquity in your heart amongst other things. If our hearts and minds are pure then we won't lust or carry our lustful acts that displeases God. God wants us to focus on Him so that we dont fall into temptation when it comes. The bottom line here is God has given each one of us a choice because whatever we choose there will be a consequence to it good or bad. Let's strive to be like Jesus! It's a lifelong everyday battle but we must not give up!
