The Inevitable Aftermath of Wardlow's Turn

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Wardlow is one of AEW's most important home grown talents who has bright future in AEW. So far in his career he has played the bodyguard and stablemate of MJF, one of the biggest heels in wrestling. He has been slowly but surely been geared towards a face turn, but you only get one shot, so you better get it right. Today we discuss when, where and how the face turn should happen, and what it should accomplish for Wardlow and his career in the future

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I guess I was about 90% right - it happened sooner than I wanted but the story is good! It's about his family, and him chasing his dreams (am I a genius? yes)


I just wanna see Wardlow give MJF 6 powerbombs period


If we're going to have Wardlow's story be about supporting his family I think it'd be pretty cool to have the symbology of him costing Maxwell the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Also to bring up a point I made elsewhere, having Wardlow be "fired" and under the effect of a fake 90 day non compete clause could be interesting (doesn't have to last the full 90 days if one were to simulate the poor family/sick relative angle you brought up) and make sure his turn starts with a big pop when he makes a surprise return.


MJF Wardlow will turn into Batista HHH, yeah ?


Wardlow is amazing. I can’t wait until he snaps on MJF and becomes one of the biggest faces in AEW.


MJF should win the title before any turn. People keep mentioning HHH/Batista as a comparison. That helped to elevate Batista because surprise surprise, HHH was champion. You build up MJF first, then the Wardlow turn and subsequent feud means a lot more. Also, the idea of him screwing MJF over as part of the turn, while I guess would be satisfying in a sense, doesn't build any heat for MJF. The way I'd do it is have Wardlow help MJF win the AEW title (heat on MJF), then the next Dynamite, the entire Pinnacle beats Wardlow into a bloody pulp and we're introduced to Wardlow's replacement, which will be another big guy (massive heat on MJF), Wardlow's out for a while, then comes back a few weeks later as an unstoppable force and goes through the Pinnacle one by one, first by facing his replacement, then maybe a handicap match with FTR, then Spears, until he gets to MJF finally. Heels build heat because they have strength in numbers. That's why the biggest heels have managers or are in groups. People have to keep in mind that MJF is the draw, we're watching to see MJF get his comeuppance, and that can only happen if he builds up his heat to nuclear levels. I think the entire faction turning on Wardlow after he helped MJF win his title would be the best way to get heat and make Wardlow an even bigger babyface figure.


You should make a video on who you think the next 5 TNT champions should be and why, I like the idea that the TNT champ should be right for Wardlow when he challenges in this scenario. I would like to know who you think that should be and why, but also how the title gets their along the way. Thanks for reading If you did.


I disagree that the turn should take so long. It’s been teased and hinted at for a long while already. It’s time for it to happen.


Yes, I completely agree, wardlow is hot


Not necessarily. I'm thinking they're doing a Batista type face turn with him. He's getting incredibly over is having issues with the rest of the pinnacle. I think it's time and have him join CM Punk to take him under his "wing"


Tonight Wardlow finally spoke his mind. MJF has been disrespecting him for over two years and Spears has been dragging him down the last half year. Those two are about to get destroyed. I disagree with you on the turn. Wardlow is ready to snap. The crowd is ready and you can't just keep teasing it. People today don't have the patience to wait too long. You also risk the view of making Wardlow look too timid if he keeps taking the abuse. He is a beast and we all want to see the beast unleashed.


I personally think aew actually lack some powerhouse or jacked wrestlers in the main event scene just to keep a decent balance, someone like warlow is great, someone like powerhouse hobbs also deserve big push


Hear me out... Wardlow helps MJF win the big one, just to take it from him. Because outside of punk, he hasnt lost this year. So behind adam cole, hes the #1 contender, and has been planning this turn the whole time. They could even turn max face first(no idea how) just so wardlow could be the destructive heel champ like miro was in his tnt title run.


You think AEW should do an annual Aztec Warfare match? Fans were talking about how AEW should do their own Royal Rumble style match, but I think doing Aztec would be different enough and excellent with the roster being jam pack.


Love the vid but the family storyline needs to be done very subtly as it could fall into WWE style booking


Every AEW & Pro Wrestling fan knows Wardlow will eventually snap on MJF and knows his singles run is going to be one hell of a singles run in his professional wrestling career.


I really hope that Wardlow or Kieth Lee don’t win the Face of The Revolution Ladder Match. I’d like to see Archer be in that match so he can finally win the TNT championship that should have been his from the beginning.


Wardlow is a major star in the making. I’d rather see him as world champ than Hangman. Hangman has been a lackluster champion.
