Most Protected People in the world in 2024 || #mostpowerfulpeople #mostprotectedleaders #yshorts

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Most Protected People in the world in 2024 || #mostpowerfulpeople #mostprotectedleaders #yshorts
This video is about people who are most protected in the world due to danger of life. A heavily guard protects these people with special weapons and special commandos. Russian President Vladimir Putin is the most protected people, person or leader in the world.
Putin has made Russia developed, progressive state during his period of presidency.
Vladimir Putin is highly guarded by armed forces because of national security interests are involved in it. Vladimir Putin is followed by Kim Jong Un supreme leader of North Korea, Jim Biden American president, Chinese President xi Jinping, British king Charles 3 is 5th highly protected people, crown prince of Saudi Arabia Muhammad bin Salman and pop Francis head of Catholic church are amongst highest protected leaders in the world in 2024.

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1. Most Protected People in the world in 2024 Vladimir Putin has the most protected and heavily guarded person in the world.
The Presidential Security Service (SBP) is a federal government agency is responsible for protection and security of Russian President putin. Putin security is highly tight due to internal and external threats and concern.
Threats to the national security and interests of the Russian Federation are protected by SBP and Russian people think Putin has made Russia a global economic and armed power in the world, that's why a special security measures have been taken for securing Vladimir Putin.

2. most protected people in the world in 2024, Kim Jong-Un which is the supreme leader of North Korea is the most protected leader in the world due to previous attacks on his life.
Kim Jong-un’s personal security staff are known as the Supreme Guard Command. They are tasked with the protection of the North Korean leader. Their job requirements are different from running alongside Kim Jong Un’s black bullet-proof limousine and to save from firing of any person when he is being going in public , their force act as human shields from any assassination attempts.
The gruelling process actually begins at a young age as recruiters for the Guard look for new recruits in high schools. The inspection is also made about previous history of guard. Following things are kept in mind for choosing security of Kim Jong Un. previous history of applying candidate. Marshall art, and willing to sacrifice for Kim Jong Un.

3. most protected people in the world in 2024, Joe Biden American President is highly protected and guarded by army due to president of super power USA.
The protections of the president and white house has been the responsibility of militia men that protected it in the early 1800s to the current Secret Service and police forces that guard it today.

4. most protected people in the world in 2024, Chinese President is on Rank 4 as highly protected leaders of the world.
The Central Guard Bureau of the General Office of the Chinese Communist Party protects the Chinese president. special commandos are deployed for the safety for Chinese president as China is progressing as biggest economic and military power.

5. most protected people in the world in 2024, British royals family present king Charles III is also amongst highly guarded and protected people in the world in 2024.
The Royal family are protected by a special division inside the Metropolitan police force, who establish the risk and amount of security necessarily.

6. most protected people In the world in 2024, Muhammad bin Salman crown prince of Saudi Arabia is also most protected leader in the world.
Due to intelligence, reforms and wisdom that Muhammad bin Salman has need for Saudi Arabia. As Saudi Arabia has so much reserves of oil and gas. Saudi Arabia people consider him future ruler, as Muhammad bin Salman is highly guarded and protected.

7. most protected people in the world in 2024 Pop Francis, head of Catholic Church is also most protected and heavily guarded person in 2024. As a head of Catholic church, he meets thousand of people, no body is refused to meet him, so high security is needed that why Pop Francis is the most protected person.

who is the most protected people in the world. who is most protected person. who is the most protected leader in the world. who is most protected leader in 2024. why Putin safety is important for Russia.
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