2019 Year In Review | Animal Equality UK

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As 2019 comes to a close, we wanted to take a look back at just some of the progress for farmed animals that Animal Equality UK has achieved this year.

Through ground-breaking undercover investigations, lobbying governments to end some of the worst animal abuses, and more, we are changing public opinion and saving thousands of animals from suffering on factory farms.

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Thank God for people like you. This video shocked me, not because it is happening, I've always known it was bad, but to see it so detailed and witness these horrors leaves me quite frankly in despair. How can people be so cruel. Can you imagine what would be said if you put three men into a cage, left them in the dark, took them out frequently to stick pitch forks in them until they screamed in agony and then took them to a room and cut off their heads one by one. Imagine the fear and stress of the two watching the first. If I think about that, it makes me feel sick. So why can't they understand what they're doing is so cruel. I can't imagine the terror and pain these beautiful creatures have suffered. I want to see an end to it full stop.


Thank you for all the work you're doing! :)


No decent person would work at a factory farm


Merci à vous d'être là pour eux qui sont sans voix et sans force pour crier leurs souffrances!
C'est ignoble la façon dont sont traités les animaux.
Ceux qui tapent dessus comme on peut le voir dans la vidéo devraient avoir honte, ce sont
des êtres immondes et sans cœur.
Ils n'ont pas d'empathie, c'est bien triste!!


Thanks for all u doing the animals have equal rights to . Its unfair to interfere with the rules of nature (from Pakistan)


I've never been prouder of being vegan. Thank you for all your hard work.


im a meat-eater, but now im seriously thinking of stop eating meat and turn to alternative meat-free food.
I should have given up meat years ago after seeing meat production methods and how animals are treated.
I have also started getting involved in anti-blood sports groups and organizations and exposing illegal hunting of foxes and other wildlife crime.


animal most NOT be SLAVE for farm-peoble :-((( this are life some you---- money most be number 100- and life number 1 .


Anything you need me to do I'll do I've had enough of how the public is unaware or don't care about how the meat they are eating got on their plate
