Tom Brady's Diet | Nourishable Raw Episode 5

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Tom Brady’s TB12 diet is all organic, non-GMO, free of gluten, added sugar, white flour, caffeine, dairy, MSG, mushroom, nightshades (no tomatoes, eggplants, peppers or potatoes) and replaces iodized salt with pink Himalayan salt. That leaves veggies, fruit, gluten-free whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and organic animal proteins like fish, poultry and meat prepared by his personal chef. Is this diet healthy for Tom Brady? It seems so. But anecdote is not evidence. I don’t think that complete elimination of added sugars is necessary, reducing added sugar intake is certainly beneficial. Eliminating refined white flours and shifting towards whole grains enhances nutrient density, though gluten-free is not necessary for most people. You end up needing to prep most of your food from scratch which reduces consumption of highly processed food. This is a plus, though may be unsustainably time consuming. I like the emphasis on nuts, seeds, fish, fruits and veggies and whole grains, these are all nutrient dense foods. I don't like elimination of nightshades. The alkaloids are said to cause inflammation, but that hasn’t been born out in the science. Nightshades contain lots of anti-inflammatory nutrients like lycopene in tomatoes and beta-carotene in peppers. These foods are a major part of one of the Mediterranean diet, one of the healthiest dietary patterns backed by science. Caffeine free is unnecessary for most. If you’re sensitive to caffeine then eliminate it, but if you tolerate it well and enjoy it, there’s an abundance of evidence that coffee and tea consumption is beneficial, provided that you don’t add lots of sugar. Mushrooms are a very healthy high fiber food, a complete source of amino acids and one of the few sources of naturally occuring vitamin D in the diet. They’re environmentally sustainable so mushroom consumption is good for you and the planet. You need to eat iodine to make thyroid hormone. Back before the 1920s large landlocked regions of the US were iodine deficient, causing goiters and cretinism in babies. Fortifying salt with iodine eliminated these problems and is one of the major accomplishments in public health. The idea of alkaline diets to maintain blood pH has been discredited. Our body tightly regulates blood pH naturally. Going organic or non-GMO for personal health isn’t necessary, science has not demonstrated any health benefits from eating organic or harms from GMO foods. These rules make the diet more expensive and less accessible. Feeling the need the only eat organic may reduce fruit and veggie consumption if organic produce isn’t affordable. Overly restrictive diets are not sustainable in the long haul. Sometimes diets needs to be restrictive, for food allergies or gluten-free for celiac. That being said, this is a healthy diet. It’s just unnecessarily restrictive and only accessible to people who have a bunch of disposable income. Tom Brady’s diet may work for him, but it’s not going to turn you into an all-star quarterback or a supermodel. The TB12 diet is backed more by buzzwords than science. Eating healthy just doesn’t have to be this complicated. Reach for fruits, veggies, nutrient dense whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and lean animal proteins if you choose. Conventional or organic, fresh or frozen, just eat those fruits and veggies!
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So if your a rich bastard you can have your personal chef prepare all this for you. For the rest of us it's probably not possible.
