AlmaLinux: Set up your Workstation Today!

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RHEL bug for bug clone AlmaLinux 9.2 has just been released. How quickly can we set up a rock solid and stable KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS workstation environment for virtualization, containerization, and development with all the bells and whistles? This video aims to find out!

Download the latest live environment here:

Covered in this video:
* Full upgrade from AlmaLinux 9.1 to 9.2
* KDE upgrade from 5.24 to 5.27
* Kernel 5.14 to 6.3.2
* Distrobox with custom home directories
* QEMU/KVM fast hardware virtualization
* Visual Studio Code
* Build the latest Arch Installation archiso (with archinstall 2.5.6)

Not officially supported, don't try this on a server! :)

You helped me so much with that NixOS minimal installation video, your videos are amazing. Keep up the good work Stephen 😃


Thank you very much for another informative video!
DJ Ware and you are by far my favourite Linux Youtubers. 🙂


Hi Stephen and fellow viewers,

Great Video! Thanks!
I just wanted to point out that KDE 5.27.4 seems to have been pushed to the normal EPEL since you recorded this, so you only have to:
sudo dnf config-manager --enable crb
sudo dnf upgrade -y
sudo dnf install epel-release
sudo dnf upgrade -y
sudo dnf install @kde

Hopefully that will allow us to have a good version without going too far off the beaten path as you mention.

Good luck everyone! Thanks again Stephen!
- Dan


Hi Stephen great work. So which platform do you use for your YouTube videos. Just wondering they are top knotch.


Concerning global shortcuts with Wayland, Brodie Robertson reported 5 months ago that the required changes had been merged by the XDG Desktop Portal project, and KDE Plasma developers were likely to be the first to implement them in their backend (guessing the xdg-portal-desktop-kde package). So KDE 5.27.4 from epel-next doesn't have that support yet?


What is a kodkod? With Wayland on that version of KDE the start menu opens in the middle. Not on Xorg. It's fixed in later version of KDE. But KDE and Wayland still not okay together. So I stick with Xorg on KDE Neon.


Do you know if we can install packages from Fedora repos on AlmaLinux, since they are both .rpm based? Or does the package/repo have to be meant specifically for AlmaLinux with .alma tags and headers?

Thank you so much for this. I was trying to get AlmaLinux 9.1 to work on my machine last month and I simply couldn't get it to work. My machine was even freezing when using the AlmaLinux Live ISO so I couldn't even get to the installation section sometimes. I had to reboot many times and hope that it wouldn't freeze (sometimes it froze sometimes it didn't without any predictability) before I finally was able to get it installed.

I wasn't sure if this was because the USB Drive I was booting from was old and slow or was because the AlmaLinux Live ISO didn't like my Nvidia GPUs. I had no issues with Arch, though.

On AlmaLinux, though, after finally getting it installed, I was trying to install the nvidia proprietary drivers after upgrading to the latest kernel-ml and I couldn't even do that because of the missing headers. I found the headers on a mirror from I think, but for some reason couldn't add it as a repo despite it being meant for AlmaLinux 9.1. I think most of my issues could've been resolved had I used that added command flag you used where you used '--allowerasing', because I was encountering a lot of conflicts between packages.

I first installed AlmaLinux simply with a bare-bones minimal installation without a DE/GUI, and would build it up from scratch from there, and then I started over and tried reinstalling it with KDE DE preinstalled, and then from scratch again, lol.

I spent hours trying to diagnose the problem and then realized that I was probably attempting to use AlmaLinux whilst simultaneously attempting to use some bleeding-edge packages that simply didn't exist. Hence, I deduced that Arch Linux would probably be a better fit for me, my needs, and goals (and so far it has been). I found Arch easier to work with than AlmaLinux. However, I want to give AlmaLinux another go (probably run it within a virtual machine or container within Arch) now that I have become more experienced with Linux in general.

I honestly was disheartened because I felt that maybe I was too dumb for Linux, was, perhaps, not understanding and or overlooking something very fundamental.

Anyways, I apologize for the wall of text. I simply wanted to thank you for taking the time to make this video because it did clarify a lot of things. I appreciate it.


With tools like distrobox and flatpak i always wondered how it would be run something really stable like this, as i am starting to dislike dpkg/apt more and more, and ubuntu with snaps is just a big no for me im currently on fedora kinoite so my workflow is entirely containerized and finally have a full AMD pc so might try this out some time, games suck on it anyways so i am not worried about that


It seems alma/rocky's future are uncertain. I'll leave them and comeback to ubuntu lts.


This video introduced me to distrobox. Thank you.
The vscode installation could be done in one step with: sudo apt install


Good morning sir, i have problem around freezing and desktop environment, my default is gnome, so i change to plasma, and so comfortable, and i can't to complete remove gnome, please tips and trick, thx


I'm the guy that suggested Mageia 9 for a possible video. Quite ignorant when it comes to the Linux world.

(Another suggestion for a video:) What would happen if I wanted to use a certain piece software, say a modern video game, on Linux and needed to upgrade to a modern kernel and change to the proprietary Linux driver?

Say I installed Alma Linux with 5.15 LTS kernel and the installer came Nouveau, the open source Nvidia driver? How could I move to the 6.3 kernel and swap to the Nvidia's own driver?

Just out of curiosity. In the video you show how to install a newer kernel but what are the other options? Would Docker/Podman/kubernets help? How would you make a backup to go back in time in case something fails?


Thanks a lot for the video! Is it possible to update Gnome to a newer version in Almalinux?


I got error message when trying to install this 9.2 version. End kernel panic, not synching -> attempt to kill init error code 0x00007f00. My pc is core 2 duo 3Ghz


Hello Sir. Do you have a link to wallpaper in your thumbnail of this video?

Really appreciate it
