Take A Break || The Owl House (Lilith) Animatic, Pt. 1

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“A position such as yours is quite unique. May I add, quite obvious. You’re a leader, may your behavior reflect what you’re supposed to be.”

Song: Take A Break, from Hamilton: An American Musical

|| synopsis;; 🪶🗡️

get rid of entitlement, nobody owes you anything,

your mistakes will always follow behind.

lilith is trying to convince hunter to take some space off of work, trying to get him to accompany her in a small invitation she gathered, though her motives aren’t as friendly as it seems. what’s work to you, and how much do you cherish it?

how much time do you think you have left before it’s too late?


• Every art style changes its intentional. It's up to your interpretation the reason why.

• This animation is more subjective to me than it is to you. Still context will be added vaguely so our interpretations get on the same page

• This animatic contains an OC of mine who does not affect canon in any way. Though, I have to be clear that we people are social creatures, therefore forming relationships is inevitable.

|| Context;;

Two sisters got separated by an unspoken inner conflict which one only knows about.

Yet, she chooses to ignore it and not recognize it as her responsibility but more of a consequence of the other, so she decides to focus more on one thing she lacked in her life. What is control, power, attention, approval?

She has the skills, she has the knowledge, but why does she feel so inferior? Why does she have the necessity to keep up not only her walls but also the need to be considered above anyone else?

She depends on everyone's opinion, on the public, the scouts, the emperor; her inferiors and superior.
Or more specifically, she depends on others' failure. Only then her reputation will remain untainted by her unknown mistakes that she so desperately tries to hide.

And the Golden Guard is very focused, though, for a different reason as hers, he depends on his accomplishments for approval, on his approval.

These two mentalities will soon clash in a way they either can compliment or corrupt each other, the same mistake could be repeated.

Maybe then she will realize what’s been bothering her and find a new way to actually make out for the worst decision she has ever made in her entire life.

But she didn’t know that it was going to be a journey in which she’ll learn to understand her sister through abandoning her old mindset, connecting to others who are similar to her and the value we call empathy.

|| Some hints;;

• Tick tock, tick tock, you’re about to lose someone you deeply care about, did you know?

•The glitchy effect reflects 'delusions'. It happens often on screen.

•Only Lilith gets artstyle change.

• Every instrument added is a direct reference to Liliths' theme (vocals, piano, ‘heart key’ synth to emphasis Belos.

• Everytime the background disappears it's because there are more important things to be focused on.

• Everytime the background goes black is because we get a piece of mind of the character in which the animatic is centered on, we get glimpses of Lilith’s reasoning and imagination in this case.

• Lilith’s palisman and non coven related elements go in red.

• Blue is directly related to the Emperor's Coven.

• Yellow reflects the use of elixirs, curses.

• Lilith is far from an empath, go rewatch Covention and put yourself in Amity’s shoes so you get my point.

• She is more selfish than you think.

• “Love isn’t going to let you go that easily now.”

• Don’t trust the scouts who wear white, the scouts in black background.

• The other scout is Gina, an OC of mine who doesn’t affect canon in a way that affects the timeline. She and other additional characters will be added to spice things a little bit more, create more tension and signify the importance of relationships through your daily life.

• The Golden Guard is more determined to succeed with each second.

• Lilith depends on failure, mischievous behavior, lying and manipulation to maintain her and the Coven’s reputation, but little did she know someone inferior to her climbed her way next to her using the same tactics.



NOTE//: You are NOT allowed to use my content or to re-upload it ANYWHERE without MY permission. If you see this video being uploaded somewhere else without any credit then please make me know about it. Thanks!

I used FireAlpacha for the drawings,
Windows Movie Maker for the editing
and YouCut for the visual effects!


The characters don't belong to me, all credits go to Dana Terrace and co. for making such an amazing series (The Owl House)!

You can watch it on Disney+


Feel free to look at my Instagram!


If you recognize my OC or the parallels,
let me tell you I love you.

Even if you don’t I’ll still do.



the owl house , toh , the owl house season one episode five, toh S1Ep5 , toh Covention , the emperor's coven , animatic , Hunter , Lilith Clawthorne , oc cameo , musical .

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[🪶🗡️] . • .

Every art style change is intentional.

Comment your theories down below!

Ayeee, I did some harmonies in the last part :')

If you recognize my OC or the parallels from my previous animatics, let me tell you I love you.

Even if you don’t I’ll still do.

After four months in which two were used as a school hiatus I finally finished it and I couldn’t be so proud of myself because of it!

Latissa is underrated, change my mind.

I originally lost the idea during those two months but I finally got it back in a way where everything I did so far still made sense. I changed my perspective of Lilith’s since this animatic takes place before her own introduction.

Ya’ll won’t get the sequel right away, cuz I have to work on it lol

BUT next animatic is going to be so full of fluff your heart is going to melt.

New characters, designs, new faces to complement the Coven Cast.

We humans are social creatures, Hunter shouldn’t live in isolation, but even if I gave him friends,

Does it mean that he considers them that?

Being alone ks different than being lonely.

I tried to do more perspective into the drawings, to make it more dynamic and I think I failed

Though I will get better if I keep practicing!

Also the shots were at the start, they were DRAWINGS and NOT SCREENSHOTS.

I’m proud of them too!

Since I’m off school now I have a lot of time, but my tablet is being laggy atm so yeah

Amity cameo, and I’m sure you recognize Luz too!

[🪶🗡️] . • .

[🕰️🧭] .•emperor's pov . •


Belos giving Lilith a mental breakdown over a comma is absolutely hilarious


When you realise that if she invited Luz to join the Emperor's coven a lot of things would have happened differently


I LOVE that Hunter's figure changes to Young Eda all through Lilith's perspective, I always thought that Lilith had some misplaced anger towards Hunter, since both Hunter and Eda were teen prodigies, and Hunter reminded her of how Eda was superior to her, in your animatic she seems to feel both fondness/love and kinda anger/resentment? towards Hunter, precisely because he reminds her of her sister.
I love that towards the end of your animatic, Lilith captured Hunter/Eda, symbolizing that, even tho she may love/be fond of them, her desire to please Belos overtakes her desition making.
First time I see someone point out Eda's and Hunter's similarities, and how it may affect Lilith's perspective of them! I LOVE YOU FOR THAT!!! ❤❤❤❤
I did noticed that at the very end Lilith changed from your style to TOH style, idk, maybe it means that her attempts to lure Hunter to go with her, and her fantasy about finally being better than Eda/Hunter endded, so she has to "go back to normal", go back to being Lilith. going back to being the inferior one.
I love your animatics and your perspective of all the characters, they feel very well balanced, three dimensional, and not one sided at all❤ you're not afraid of exploring them as a whole, not being 100% evil or good all the time, I love that you do that ❤


THIS. IS. AMAZING!!! The whole thing is absolutely beautiful! And the backstory you gave Hunter and Lilith? _Chef's kiss_ I can't wait to see the next part!


Oh my god- everything about this is so? Immediately establishing Liliths fondness of Hunter with that small training scene and then having them age as they distance from eachother. The way Lilith obsesses over the idea of even a TINY little grammar note potentially meaning a little bit of praise and approval, Hunters photographs being grouped in with Edas but hidden behind Liliths own BIGGER photo of Eda. Shes thrown both people away for her career but Hunters someone shes trying to deny her care for. The colours in the black background being so prominent as Lilith constantly sees both Hunter and Eda in one, both people are those she resents AND loves at the same time. The way his mask flickers on and off, she's internally receiving his behaviour as standoffish or maybe trying to hide his upset behind a mask internally? Its all so- ioggg and the toppled chess piece. This is so brilliant, I hope Hollow Minds give a glimpse into what these twos relationship was like because content like this shows how much potential and AMAZING story telling they contain as a dynamic.


There's something about 2:26 with GG's mask taken off and the lyrics being "How lucky we are to be alive right now", followed by Lilith with Belos, "Close your eyes and dream". Almost as if Lilith's saying 'Go out there and have fun while I gain the favor of the emperor.' And Hunter realizes what she's doing. The Lilith projecting Eda onto Hunter is also very 😭

0:37 "Go ahead, take your time. It better be quick." oh yeah, that passive-aggressiveness

ANW THIS IS SO PRETTY I really like that it seems that Lilith cares for Hunter's well-being but then even with the cheery(?) music in the bg, it turns dark and there's glitches everywhere and you can sense the tension and feel that something's off about this interaction, then it clicks.


Dudes made a whole hunter-Hamilton au, what a madlad, respect


I think that when we see Eda and Hunter flickering in between it kinda shows that Lilith started treating Hunter as a younger brother in a hope to sort of fill the void where Eda was.


I feel like Lilith's art style change at 2:10 shows her hostility? As in she's really trying to get Hunter to "take a break", to go and leave, the same way she, as time passes by, has come to force Eda to join the Emperor's coven because talking didn't work. It also feels like a point where she loses her formality and professionalism when it comes to addressing those below her? Like how at first the art style was similar to the show bc she's trying to kind of sweet-talk Hunter, but then it doesn't work out so she resorts to force, which leaks her desperation and malice a bit and when something personal like that is coming from your superior, it doesn't feel like it's about work anymore? So the art style changes. It returns in 2:50 bc now she's got other stuff to prepare for as Coven Head?

This is amazing I'm in love with the way Lilith is drawn


I haven't really watched Hamilton but I have a feeling that Hunter would be a Hamilton fan


This Hamilton AU is amazing, I love every one of your animatics, all the little details and expressions make them so enjoyable and neat to watch. You clearly work very hard on these, I’m excited to see any future animatics you post


Seen this a hundred times and I just noticed at 2:23 there’s a frame of Hunter flinching at Belos’s cursed form. Combined with shots like at 0:19 immediately followed by Hunter in a scout uniform, it really shows how the adults in Hunter’s life like Lilith failed him and left him at the mercy of Belos, offering only ridicule as a response rather than comfort or even the bare minimum of respect.


I always thought that maybe Lilith and Hunter were once friends, she being his mentor, but gradually over time they grew apart due the competition within the Emperor’s Coven. They gradually began to hate each other and fight for their ranks in the coven.


I really like how you gave them a backstory really cool to see that interaction


Oh my god. This is AMAZING!! There’s so much to unpack here with all of the details and the story you want to tell. You did a PHENOMENAL job with showing instead of telling this in only 3 minutes. I’ll def be rewatching this to get the whole story — this is GREAT.
Also, I have a feeling that Lilith’s style change reflects how “edgy” she became, and how she’s separate from the others. She isolates herself from everyone but Belos, which has made her became edged and more lined compared to the roundness of Hunter and the other character. I hope that I’m somewhat on track lol


the lore, the story, the song, THE ART. 10/10 incredible


No idea how I missed this! Insanely talented work as always. They just get better the more you make. Any studio would be so lucky to have such an ambitious and talented artist on their team!


There's something about the clock ticking at the start. I didn't realize it when I saw it for the first time, but while I tried to come up with a theory I heard it in a few scenes. For example, when it says "take your time" at 2:19 you can hear it and once the chorus ends it gets faster. I think it's neat, that plus the fact that you added more instruments to this one, even some harmonies! Kudos to you!!


Rn binge watching ur emperors coven videos bc they are corrupting my brain and i have nothing better to do
