Forestella - Bad Romance (Lady Gaga Cover) - First Time Reaction by a Rock Radio DJ

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Do you have a recommendation of a song I should check out? If so, drop it in the comments of the video!


#reaction #reactionvideo #forestella #ladygaga
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Keep exploring! Every forestella performance is worth watching. They are exceptional! Once you start, you can’t stop.


Forestella is the best. Four of the most talented vocalist in the world. They never disappoint ❤❤❤❤


"Edgar Allan Poe does Kpop" This has got to be the most spot-on description of the performance I've seen from any youtube reactor! 😝😝Next for your Forestella, I strongly recommend their another amazing cover, "Time in a bottle", which has a great dynamic and unexpected re-arrangement!


Gracias por reaccionar a #Forestella ellos son el mejor grupo Crossover del mundo!! Pueden cantar desde Opera, Rock, balada, pop Kpop, Jazz, Tango etc cualquiera género musical de una forma perfecta y maravillosa! Y en cualquier idioma con una pronunciación perfecta y su armonías son sublimes!! Sus canciones originales como Save our lives, Utopía, White night, Kool, Snow Globe y mas son impresionantes! Forestella Forever ❤️❤️❤️❤️ saludos desde México 🇲🇽🥰


Thank you for your reaction to Forestella they are great at any song you will not be disappointed, funny you mentioned Phantom of the Opera, Kang Hyung ho aka PITTA Forestella member does a solo version of the song it is amazing please try and react to it good luck ❤


❤❤#FORESTELLA son espectaculares qué genial que la estés reaccionando, son artista de otro nivel, merecen que más personas en todo el planeta los empiece a conocer a igual que tú ❤❤❤muchas gracias por tu reacción, ansiosa de tu prox video de elllos
#CrossoverGroup #ChoMingyu #BaeDoohoon #KangHyungho #KoWoorim


Thank you for your reaction. Fun fact: One Member did the duet from phantom of the opera alone. Kang Hyung-ho! ❤


Love Forestella, & they do more than justice to covers.


Gracias por reaccionar a Forestella!!! 🇦🇷 ❤❤❤❤


I can say for sure that Forestella is a group that goes beyond the genre.
List of Forestella's performances
'Je suis malade'
'Magic castle'
'My favorite things'
'If I leave'
'Nella fantasia'
'Parla piu piano'
'Dell'amore non sisa'
'In un‘altravita'
'Like someone a legend'
'My lover'
'A story sadder than sadness'
'Hijo de la luna'
'Lazenca save us'
'Spread silk on my heart'
'Legends never die'
'Shape of you'
'Sound of silence'
'Heal the world'
'Smooth criminal'
'Maldita sea mi suerte'
'Who cares when I like it'
‘Cherished face'
'Good bye'
'Scarborough fair'
'Bohemian rhyapsody'
'Bad romance'


A nice analogy: "Edgar Allen Poe doing K-Pop"! What if Forestella does Poe's Annabel Lee?


GaGa at Halloween may not be for me, but they do have incredible talent, and really liked the 3rd guy with the higher range. Good reaction tho! 🤘💜


Forestella is the best vocal quartet!!! 💕💟💜💙💚🧡❤


My favorite Forestella performance❤

🥰🥰Much love from a Canadian Dear🇨🇦


I've enjoyed all your Forestella reactions and have now subscribed, since you've returned to them.

If you want innovation, try their striking cover of Time In A Bottle. Certainly has a twist to it. So too does their cover of Shape Of You.

For hauntingly beautiful try Scarborough Fair, Sound Of Silence, Hijo De La Luna (done originally as the quartet, and more recently also as a trio - their bass singer is currently completing his mandatory military service) and Inner Universe.

For power, react to Champions, Legends Never Die, Mama, Lazenca Save Us, Warriors and Sweet Dreams. Their recent cover of The Show Must Go On, done as a trio, is great.

Finally their originals are outstanding and most are based around Queen. There's a lot of sheer artistry in their musical videos. So Save Our Lives, Utopia (first two pieces of a trilogy), White Night and Snow Globe. Also Kool is their KPop offering.


Forestella member Kang Hung Ho has done Phantom of the Opera. You have to listen to it. There a three versions. Thefirst one is what he used for his audition on Phantom singers program that resulted in the forming of Forestella 7 years back. He later sang it on a tv program 4 years back.
But recently ( 3 weeks back) he sang it again on Immortal Songs2 by KBS along with a brilliant pianist Oh Eun Cheol. The episode was to honor the famous musical director Kim moon Jeong the lady judge who first recognized Kang’s talent. In three weeks this video already has more than a million views.
In all three cases Kang performs Christine and Phantom’s part.


Obrigada por reagir ao grupo Forestella...
Você falou do musica do Fantasma da Opera, pois o Hyung Ho, do grupo Forestella interpretou está musica sozinho cantando as duas partes tanto a de Cristina como a do Fantasma.
O Hyngo Ho tem uma banda de rock como trabalho solo é o roqueiro do grupo... fica a dica😊
Você poderia reagir a este video por favor?

Fantasma da Opera por Kang Hyung - Pitta

Outro video fantástico do Forestella é a transformação que eles fizeram para a musica Time in a Bottle.. Vale a pena conferir.. voce vai se surpreender completamente.

Time In A Bottle

Espero que goste.. 😊

Beijos do Brasil ❤❤❤❤


Edgar Allan Poe does kpop xDD Im here for it xDD I love that. You have no idea how much I love that statement xDD When I introduce kpop to my friends I always introduce them stuff they would like cuz kpop has it all its just in korean and most of the times better done. You can literally find any genre you would normally listen to in korean music (I love korean language so i find it melodic when they sing it)


Legends Never Die
Time in A Bottle
Scarborough Fair

Snow Globe
Save Our Lives
White Knight
Chosen One
Bird Bird Blue Bird
Stuck in a Maze


The guy with the Gaga voice, is Cho Mingyu (a Classically trained Tenor). 😂 Loved your description.. Edgar Allan Poe does K-POP. 😂

Don't know if you are into holiday songs, but their cover of "Despacito" is just..☀️ Shape of You is better than Ed Sheerin, Time in a Bottle is ❤️. And for me their cover of Je suis malade is 😭😭😭
