The SHOCKING Difference between Trump and Harris

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The SHOCKING Truth About Kamala Harris' Israel Stance, Berel dives into the stark differences between Republican and Democratic leaders, particularly on foreign policy issues such as Israel. The discussion highlights contrasting viewpoints on key political matters, with Berel emphasizing the more conservative stances taken by Republican leaders and how they differ significantly from the liberal policies embraced by Democrats. The episode also touches on recent comments made by prominent figures, such as Kamala Harris, shedding light on the implications for U.S.-Israel relations and the broader geopolitical landscape.

Berel's analysis goes beyond just political comparisons, offering insights into how these differences influence public perception and policy decisions. The conversation delves into the underlying ideologies that drive each party's stance, providing a comprehensive understanding of the factors shaping the debate. This episode serves as a critical examination of the current political climate, offering viewers a balanced perspective on the ideological divides that define American politics today.

Keywords: Kamala Harris Controversial Comments What They Mean for Israel, Republicans, Democrats, U.S. foreign policy, Israel, Kamala Harris, political differences, conservative, liberal, ideological divide, Berel, GOP, U.S.-Israel relations, politics, foreign policy debate, conservative views, liberal policies, political analysis, geopolitical landscape, American politics, U.S. government, Berel, Berel Solomon
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I'm retired at 67. went from Grass to Grace. This video here reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, honest wife, $75K biweekly and a good daughter full of love God bless America🇺🇲❤️


The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is 💯 % for Israel.


There is a great spiritual battle going on right now. It’s time to choose a side. Am Israel Chai! 🇺🇸🇮🇱❤️✡️✝️


You are so right (again). But I am curious why American Jews have historically supported Democrat candidates.


100% correct!! True Christians genuinely Love Israel and pray for its safety and protection!!


I’m an Orthodox Jew who wants president Donald j trump to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !


Absolutely love this content. In God we trust!


Long Live Israel !!! 🇮🇱 Donald J. Trump for President in


You hit the nail on the head....If G-d is out, there is nothing as G-d is the foundation of our belief and where we stand .... Praying conservatives and President Trump comes in in a months time WE ARE PRAYING !


Agree that conservatives are real people who have ability to THINK best for humanity even hard to announce it 🇺🇸


Yes 🙌🏻 & Amen 🙏🏻. Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱✡️. I am an American Christian & I agree with you wholeheartedly. Israel is HaShem’s beloved nation & the Jewish people are His chosen people. I believe & have seen with my own eyes that the Jewish people are the world’s moral compass…I have a lot of respect for you. I also believe that Israelis want to live in peace with their surrounding neighbors & has been/ is tolerant of many cultures and faiths that differ from theirs….thank you 🙏🏻


Lamala is in desperate need of repentance


The difference is far too clear to miss. It will be wrong to vote wrongly.


Berel Solomon, I watched your wonderful and moving documentary "Finding Mashiach". There is a rabbi in New Jersey who has great wisdom and discernment, that could give you deeper insight. His name is Johnathan Cahn.
Nonetheless, I pray for you, your house and all the Jewish people.
Yhwy Bless & Protect you and Y'israel. ❤️🇮🇱❤️


Believe you me there’s hundreds of thousands of Americans who support Israel to every one of those idiots protesting.


You my friend are coming around to the way of HaShem. Keep going! Baruch HaShem!


Joshua 24:15
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.


Berel Solomon, as crazy as things are regarding Y'israel, I strongly advise you to pack up your life and go there, because soon history will repeat itself.


Shalom I believe I saw you on Shabot in NYC.

However I have a question.

Thou I’m against terrorism and what was done in Israel and I have family in Israel.

Why is it that no one speaks on the the fact
The Oct 7 tragedy mainly took place at a festival that was held on the Shabot
Amd a few days after Yom kippor

October 7th was a Shabot
God Also have consequences that for keeping his commandments

So why is it no leader or rabbis are speaking on this element.

If God allows the Jewish people to win the war against terror.

Isn’t breaking the Shabot a death penalty?
why is it that my brothers and sister only consider G-ds interference for victories and the defeats are not s een as judgement.

In Moses time when we went to war and was spiritually right or lead by God

You can check the census all men that went out came back no casualties.

A brother of mine lost his brother in the war in Gaza

when amalek attacked David Ha Melek he asked God was it ok to go to war and they kidnapped his wife and people he were leading and those were non Jews (the people with David)

Now if David ha mashiach ha melek had to ask Hashem could if he could go to war with amalek.Even thou it is a commandment to destroy amalek Devirim 25:15

Who from the state beseeched Hashem and got answer on weather we could go to war?

Or are we as a people using Hashem when we want to take vengeance
Despite him saying vengeance is his.
Deverim 32:35

It doesn’t matter if we destroy hamas
As long as the children of Israel live in sin.

Hashem will raise up a new enemy

Egypt, philistines, assyria, Babylon,
Persia, Greece, Rome, nazis, Isis, Al queda, hamas

The problem is not the Arabs the problem we have to get right with Hashem.

Telihim 125:3
For the rod of the wick shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous unless the righteous put forth thou hands into iniquity.

We are doing all the Jewish people a disservice but not telling them the nations are not the problem our ways are the problem.

I’ve had this conversation with many Jewish brothers but everyone is so caught up in not looking like a nationalist that they won’t speak the truth

As a brother from the west African Jewish community

That has been punished and exiled and sold into slavery to the point people forgot ther were Jewish kingdoms in Africa

I’ve lived through the mercy amd wrath of Hashem

And I don’t blamed antisemitism

It was my peoples antiHashemism

And there is no amount of blaming the Goyim that Hashem has rose against us that will ever put us as people in a favorable position with Hashem.

It’s just the recipe for more forever wars

Accountable amd teshuvah is what’s going to heal us

The war we should battle starts within and
When we conquer that enemy (the internal one )
Hashem will stop raising up new enemies to judge us
We can beat Hamas and the Arabs
But Hashem of Host will call on
iran china or whoever we are blaming this time
For judgement untill we change

Shalom Ahi just food for thought


0:25 you can see Kamala Harris give a deep pause before she's able to speak. She is not comfortable at all with her own answer.
