A relaxed approach to motherhood

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In this episode, I am sitting down with a cup of coffee to chat through some more of the questions you all submitted! I share my perspective on quite a few motherhood topics – potty training, meltdowns, breastfeeding, sleep schedules – that I have found are not worth stressing over. I hope that by sharing my story, I can encourage you to let go of some of the stress in motherhood and embrace the season you are in. I’m also discussing business, blogging, homemaking, and a variety of other topics you asked about. Join me for another coffee chat Q&A!

- Sharing my miscarriage story
- My no drama approach to potty training
- How I get dinner on the table when kids are melting down
- What I have done to grow my public speaking skills
- How we landed on our current chicken tractor setup
- My thoughts on losing the baby weight
- Advice for a mom who wants more kids but her husband isn’t on board
- Breastfeeding advice for a first-time mom
- How I have slowly grown my business and hired help along the way
- My thoughts on what it takes to be successful in the blogging world
- My best advice for single women

Lisa Bass of Farmhouse on Boone

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When we only had 2 kids, my husband was pretty adamant that he was too tired, kids were expensive, he didn’t want more. I had to search my own heart, and prayed often that God would align our hearts; either that I would be content or he would want more. Lo and behold, we now have 4 kids, we have been in complete agreement in every season since then about having more babies/putting a pause on/feeling full. I always encourage people to pray not for their will to be imposed on their spouse, but that God would align you both under *His* perfect will for our lives.


I think learning before kids is an amazing advise!
I remember my grandmother used to say “ go to college, study another language cause when you have kids things will be much harder “


Hearing your advice all at once reminds me how much you’ve helped me raise my 3 kids, helped w the sleep issue and nursing. Next q &a would love to hear advice on raising little boys. ❤


It's so weird that hospitals are pushing supplementation now. When I had my first two babies in 2002 and 2004, bottles and pacifiers were strictly forbidden for fear of "nipple confusion." No one ever suggested supplementation. My babies were not jaundiced and did not lose too much weight, so maybe that is why. Even when I had my fifth and final baby in 2014, the only intervention that was suggested was vitamin D drops. Maybe the hospital was more hands-off because I was an experienced mother. My friend's daughter had her first baby last year and everything was going perfectly with breastfeeding and they STILL wanted her to supplement with formula. I have my suspicions why that is being pushed now, but that is a topic for a different time.


I’m not a mom yet, but I’m dying to be. Thank you for pointing out that now is the time to learn. I’ve been reaching child care and trying to learn as much homemaker and mom skills as I can until I have a baby.


Lol, we also collected cicadas in buckets for our chickens! Have subsequently had HUGE eggs!


I loved your thought about the value of a large family. I also have felt that you might have “pregret” before having another child but once they are there you can’t imagine life without them!


For fitting a lot of kids in a smaller vehicle safely the ride safer travel vest can be a game changer. If they are of age to safely sit forward facing the vest is safety rated comparable to a 5 point hotness car seat. In fact it is more safe than trying to cram car seats in too tight of a space and not following correct installation for the seats. They also are wonderful for travel where you might need to rent a car or use Uber.


Regarding breastfeeding pain: I had pain the first week or so after having all four of my children. It always goes away without me even noticing and I’ve been breastfeeding for over six years straight at this point. I think it may be a hormonal thing. Breastfeeding during pregnancy has been really painful as well. I don’t think breastfeeding pain is always associated with a bad latch. Thanks for addressing this!


This is the first time I have watched your video, I wish some one had been around when I was younger with your advice.


I make the sourdough, i plant the herbs, I use fresh eggs, looking for raw milk, make homeade food everyday. Since you and I have been friends, (hehe) I have started wanting to learn to sew! I would love to make myself a cotton sundress. My kids are grown, no grands yet, the actual machine seems like the hhard part. I was so encouraged to see your young daughter sewing. Thanks for expanding my horizans here in middle Tennessee!


Lisa always popped on my youtube feed and I always tried to watch her stuff but somehow i wasn’t into it.. fast forward I love you Lisa you are like a sister to me, the things i have learned honestly unbelievable- the perspective - the podcast - the wisdom- oh you have improved my life to the better! You are my favorite channel - i have watched most of your stuff - Ps i am a 28 year old mother of one daughter ❤and I pray that Allah grants me more babies ❤️


Thank you for mentioning that for some mommas pain is just part of the breastfeeding journey. I’ve breastfed 3 kids so far, ranging from 2-3 years. With each baby I experienced so much pain the beginning, including bleeding, scabbed nipples. I was told that this was not normal, but I’ve learned that for my body, it is. I know if I push through the first 3-4 weeks of excruciating pain, and once my nipple skin “toughens up”, that it will mostly be smooth sailing from there. For some moms, that’s just how it is!


Same experience my kids potty training. We wait until 2.5 and everyone says my kids potty train themselves. No, we just wait until they are ready to figure it out really fast!


For breastfeeding, I would highly encourage others who need help to talk to a lactation consultant. I wish I did because my nursing journey with my son ended at just 5 weeks. I ended up exclusively pumping until 5 months and I absolutely hated it.


Lisa you have been such an Inspiration to me.
I look forward to learning more ❤


I have 3 stepsons and 3 children by birth. I always wanted more by birth, atleast double but that wasn't the case. We talked about children and I have 2 more children that my husband wanted. It came at a price and that price was costly. BOTH parents must be in agreement. A warning about the bible. Using God's word to manipulate YOUR will never works. Instead, we must stand on His word for HIS will in our family. At 52, I still struggle with that principle. To the mama who wants more kiddies and the husband doesn't seem to feel the same, Lisa is spot on. She has such wisdom to be a young mama. I have learned so much from her though my youngest has just graduated at everyone is grown and gone (the knee baby is in/out of the house). This is one of my favorite channels because of her calm, wisdom and recipes!


Love all your podcasts. Feel like I know you. You are amazing


So many good questions and answers! This video was a huge help and blessing to me. Thank you Lisa! ❤


I actually did meet two people in real life that told me they regretted having children. They were my clients. This was before I had my own kids. It was probably just something they felt out of stress.
