Arslan Ash — The New God of Tekken?

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Few people can claim to be as dominant in their game as Arslan Ash was in Tekken 7. We obviously have legends like Knee, Qudans, JDCR, and other greats who have been on the grind and won a fair share of tournaments, but Ash took it to the next level through sheer consistency. Many have tried to dismiss him for one reason or another, but none of them can take the crown from the king. In this video, we cover his story and share with you why his journey is unlike any other.

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Arslan put himself on the map near instantly. It's not often you see someone new take a shot at Knee and actually win, but the true respect and acknowledgement came later. For you personally, when did you realize that Arslan earned his spot at the top?


I think the best thing that came out of this is a amazing rivalry between Knee and Arslan

They both have an agenda to beat one another in tekken yet also became instant friends. Geniunely feel happy every time I see them together battling out on tekken


I still remember when so many people downplayed him even after his first EVO win


Arslan is a prodigy. I’m very excited to see how he progresses in Tekken 8. However, I am expecting to see Arslan and Knee, once again, in the Grand Finals of most tournaments. Which is a win for the fans, IMO.


New? my guy...this dude won the biggest Tekken tournament 5 years ago.


arslan truly is the goat of tekken. winning both evos and twt in the same season is something that most players can only dream of doing.


We appreciate your efforts, and a lot has been done to make this video.


Arslan is the greatest player in t7, but it seems you arent aware that people were already rating katarina pretty high, especially in Korea.
Not saying that Arslan isnt the t7 goat, but you kinda didnt do your research on katarina.. its just like how noctis suddenly got recognized to be a top char as well


Arsalan dominated Tekken 7 but his recent shows in Tekken 8 are very off color I wonder if new mechanics has to do with this. Let see his show down in next major tournament.


There is footage of Arlslan Ash playing Tekken Six and Tekken Tag Tournament. That footage may be priceless in history because in those videos Arslan plays Dominant Pakistani players like Heera, Awais Honey, Dawood Sikander, etc. We can get a feel for how good Arslan would have been at those If he played internationally at times. My bet is he would have been the GOAT of Tekken 6 and Tag Tournament if he could have competed internationally. But we can never say for sure. His Tekken 8 tournament runs will tell us if there is something about Tekken 7 that leads to Arslan's dominance, or if he is an absolute fighting games genius and continues his dominance. The good news is he's 28, still in his twenties and prime, so we will get to see how great he is at Tekken 8.


Knee will always be the GOAT/God his achievements and contributions to Tekken are second to none. Arslan is a legend for sure. Respect to both


The comparison to Max V doesn’t really work since Max wins because he’s an amazing driver and has the most well built car on the track. It would be like if Arslan had a fight stick that was significantly better than every other player.


Also, Arslan's losses many have Asterix's. For example, at EVO 2022 he lost to Shadow 20, but he was playing KOF and had to sprint across Mandalay Bay to start playing Shadow. When he lost to Noroma and Chikurin at EVO Japan 2020, he had no warm-up matches, his first three opponents were no show, and he played Chirukurin as his first MATCH! Chikurin played the way OP Leroy and beat Arslan. Then got eliminated by Noroma who played a way to overpower Leroy again to defeat him. He lost to Jimmy J Tran in a tournament before EVO 2019, however, his plane just landed, and he had no warm-up and had to sprint to play an already warmed-up Jimmy J Tran. Finally, his famous loss to PhiDX has a huge caveat, Arslan was actively competing in three games at that tournament and was running between KOF SF and Tekken, PhiDX has never had any luck with Arslan Ash ever again after that victory. The only guy who can beat Arslan Ash consistently even though he has a clear negative ratio toward Arslan is KNEE.


_New_ god? As an outsider, I was under the impression that Arsland is the *_reigning_* god.


Wasn't he negative against Shadow20z? Which I feel is mostly why he has Claudio so high up.


Im confused, didn’t Jeonnding beat him multiple times at tournaments ?


Nah, not until he has more wins than knee


JDCR hasn't lost to Arslan? Really? Did I mishear that?


Tekken 8 is his krypotinite. He cant handle agression


Still not done kissing this mofo? Damn. You have no shame, DashFight.
