MWL Roundtable: The Safe System Approach - Eliminating Speeding Related Crashes

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In this second roundtable of our Safe System Series, a panel of leading experts will discuss eliminating speeding-related crashes through a Safe System Approach. Early estimates of 2020 crash data should serve as an alarm that more needs to be done to eliminate the speeding-related deaths and injuries on our roadways.

The NTSB 2017 Safety Study “Reducing Speeding-Related Crashes involving Passenger Vehicles” explored the safe system approach as an effective strategy to eliminate speeding and states: “It (the safe system) recognizes that the responsibility for crash prevention resides not only with drivers, but also with all stakeholders of the road system. These include those who design, manage, and use the road; those who set and enforce the speed limit; and those who provide emergency response.”

This roundtable will explore transitioning to a safe system approach to address speeding related crashes.
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You will never convince most teens to stop speeding.
They haven't had enough life experience to realize they aren't invincible.


Here's is an idea do NOT give blind people a license! I was 17 getting my permit, I failed the test once but whatever at least I could see. The same lady working the desk at the DMV that told me I failed proceeded to fail an elderly women for not passing the eye exam after which the DMV person renewed her licenses. So you guys try and pass new regulation but I got some news for ya your employees at the lower levels i.e. the DMV in EL Paso, TX are not intelligent enough to enforce them so why not have a hearing on the horrific job H.R did hiring stupid people.


Thank the Lord that these people are mostly ignored. What happened to competence? What happened to service? What happened to American values?
We can and have saved millions of lives on the road through cooperation and the voluntary actions of all interested parties, we don’t need mandates and coercion.


I used to drive fast in close quarters, I had no trouble handling the car ~ But now, I'd really prefer that the speed limit be lowered to 55 again; it's just more enjoyable to drive slower which is less stressful to my nerves as well as my car; saves my Civic serious amounts of gas, measured at 8-12 mpg more, almost similar to a hybrid; 4 second space in front (the standard distance for buses I think) is just plain safer and gives our semi-truck drivers space to change lanes safely. In the end it's only a few minutes difference in time. Maybe speed-addict culture will die out and be replaced by soft-hypermiling enthusiasts.


1) if you are using pilots like paid instructors, retired military, CHP, paid informants, or current military, US, Marshall’s, air traffic controllers!! Which are all abusing safety! making investigations a case of invasion of privacy, and behaviour, stocker like! You need to stop! Regular people can monitor the sky from their phone! Stop coming to CA or flying in from other states or cities to stock local residents and entrap residents for personal benefit by calling the cops or Marshall’s and fabricating records just for driving on the freeway! just bc we are going to the grocery store! Stop using government funds and equipment for personal use! I see you cutting trees and fixing roads, that do not need to be fixed just to add cameras bc you have a blind spot from an aircraft perspective!

Your FAA pilots, paid informants, Civil Air patrol! are unwanted as they follow you home, work, relatives home and use intimidation tactics to follow you around by aircraft, drones, vehicles, whatever they can use! They tend turn off their call signs/ tamper with it and fly at low altitudes, less than 100 feet from the tallest building! When following you on the highway! They fly in circles above you, or fly behind you until they see you get off your car and walk into the home, building or destination! and then fly in circles above your home!

Your investigators / trustees bc that’s what registration states when you pull it up are using third party companies to hide their identities and purpose when they are investigating! They have mis-used their privileges and are now threatening public’s safety! A cause for concern when they fly, nose dive, and land aircraft to nearest airport to your location and use rentals to see what you are doing at your destination!

We know you are using city funds slandering reputations and defaming residents! for personal gain!
