Is Jinhsi's Weapon Future-Proof?/Weapon Analysis/Proven with Math. - Wuthering Waves

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oh boy i sure hope this weapon doesn't get a massive change as I upload this. :Clueless:

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Time stamps:
00:00 Intro
01:02 Characters
01:19 Jinhsi + How to do math......kinda.......i think
05:00 Calcharo
06:19 Jiyan
06:33 Summary

From what I've seen, the weapon still gives a 48% skill damage buff but now it will last longer and get activated easier. if this stays true this video will still be accurate.


1.1 blog post details:

- When you absorb and unlock Echoes you will be given Synesthesia Experience (I think Echo XP?)
- daily commission will no longer give Echo COST1, and instead will give Echo COST3 and COST4, added missions to make them faster
- Increased Data Bank level to 21 (100% chance of finding Echo 5*)
- Removed the cutscene at the end of Tacet Fields, reduced the cost of Shell Credits required to level an Echo
- Simplified Cruisewing Echo Challenges (the ones where you fly in circles)
- Roguelike will now give Astrite x1000
- Increased the number of pullovers that can be purchased from the Shop from 6 to 7
- Added layers to the map (for underground areas)
- Added quest archive for each zone
- Increased lootmapper range
- Added quest dialogue log
- Lowered level requirements for story missions
- Added tags to characters based on their roles
- Fixed chat menu
- PlayStation Controller buttons finally rebindable
- You can now convert purple tuners into gold tuners at a 5:1 ratio


i would like to give a few words of feedback after apreciating a couple of your videos.
ill probably sound a bit weird/off/harsh since english not being my first language keeps me from phrasing it accordingly so i apologize in advance.
despite me enjoying your focus on math/spreadsheets etc iam often times put off by your way of declining/marking the % dmg gains/losses comparing the weapons. you are using arrows and then minus / plus but its the complete opposite way i usually am used to. for example you are using weapon a as reference point and then compare to weapons b and c and the arrows go towards b and c saying +x, x% in the color green. telling me, switching to that weapon gives me damage even though its the other way around. I dont know, maybe its just me but ive always found that to be "wrong" or confusing.

the second and last issue ive found is with your way of deciding on what weapons are worth pulling etc.
the only thing you are doing is display basic, resonance skill, liberation and their differences between the weapons. but that in no way includes how a resonators is played, how much of the whole rotation is basic/skill/ult dmg and maybe even how a different weapon could change a rotation resulting in a different weapon pulling ahead.
a good example would be danjin with changlis weapon.
some people are theorizing that her blade might be better on danjin than the genesis 5* because of her ease of spamming her skill even though right now heavy dmg is considered her biggest source.
i think it would be awesome if you could (even if its just theorycrafting) try to get a rough estimite of how much dmg the weapon really gives in a full rotation and not only on the different damage sources.

Kind regards, have a good one


What a timing you post this and they made some changes


Changes were made to jinshi that makes her weapon even more of a must pull (only for jinshi, DO NOT PULL if you plan to use it on other broadblade only. The signatures in this game are incredibly niche)

-jinshi incandescent state converts basic attack dmg to skills dmg. This means her weapon passive buffs almost every part of jinshi kit. If you don’t have her weapon you are losing tons and tons of dmg

-jinshi weapon now activated on intro and skill cast. So it is much easier and quicker to activate.


I have less pulls don't know why but I want to get weapon first then try getting jinhsi 🙂


I have verdant summit do I need to pull for Jinhsi signature weap? What's your take on this? Thanks!


I heard that Changli's sig weapon was also changed from atk% to cdmg.
