Linear drum lesson for beginners

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Good afternoon fellow drum nerds! Today we explore a Linear drum lesson for beginners. This Linear drum lesson focuses on drumming with number patterns i.e. 5, 3, 8. Linear is simply a drum fill or drum beat that never has two or more limbs playing at once.

I have included in the video the fill's notation so please feel free to screenshot it and save it for future practice. You'll notice however that as this has some odd groupings in it (mainly the group of 5) the 5th note will cross over the bar line and in essence become the 1 of the next bar.

Please don't let this confuse you too much as if you take it slow and count as you play it should all come together nicely.

Time Code
0:00 Intro
1:40 Linear Fill Notation
2:41 Linear Fill Played

Take it slow and have fun with it.

• Ludwig Drums
• Zildjian Cymbals
• Remo Heads
• Vic Firth Sticks

If you take the drums seriously ''Stick Control'' is a must have!

Keep your stick on the ice,

#LinearFill #DrLinearPhil
Рекомендации по теме

Great video buddy.. out of 2800 views I'm honored to be the first comment! Thanks for the lesson. S-u-b-b-e-d 👊 I know we're a fishing channel but I'm also a drummer. Somewhere way way way way way way back in our videos I did a drum video just for fun 😄
