Masha and The Bear - Dancing Fever 💃🕺 (Episode 46)

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The Bear's little cousin Panda visits him again. This time their rivalry with Masha comes to dancing fever. While the pig tries to teach them how to dance the Bear builds the stage in the yard. The forest inhabitants will be really astonished by the dancing show tonight!

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Masha and the Bear are heroes of Russian folklore, known to all Russian children. Just that in the series they are different and live in the modern world, which gave the creators from Animaccord Animation Studio the ability to bring new possibilities to their interactions. Series tell us about a unique relationship between two main characters. Masha is an exceedingly active little girl who can't sit still on one place and has to make everything a business of her own. The Bear is a big and hearty guy who loves comfort and quietness. After their first met the Bear is always in anticipation for another fun and wild adventure that Masha will surely pull him in.
Masha and The Bear.

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