do you announce yourself every time you pass by a zoo?
do you walk up to an ant bed and introduce yourself? if you see a cockroach do you want to have a conversation with it? it's not going to be a good thing when they decide to make their presents known.
Once we find ourselves exploring other star systems, we may find out that we don’t want too. Maybe the oldest civilizations out there have gone dark for a reason? Idk
Life is just one thing.
Technology is another.
The Fermi Paradox falls down on two points first the size of the universe and second if an advanced civilization did not want us to know about them then thats whats what is.
I’m a mechanic and I use witness marks of bolts to line back up with so I can see where he’s coming from if something were there they would leave footprints or witness marks
Star Trek... "The Prime Directive"
Maybe advanced Civilization just means that their population plateaus off(like we are approaching). And they just stay in their own planet and focus on improving the ecosystem.
We wont be travelling to all corners of the universe though. We wont even leave our galaxy.
Still there is "If we last that long"🌀
So are we the answer to the fermi paradox?
This guys voice w this music reminds me of rusty spoons
We think that advanced technology is about building giant machines. Advanced technology, however, can mean the manipulation of atoms. Engineering on the smallest elements of nature.
And even if other civilisations a millions years older then us exist? It doesn't not necessarily mean they developed intelligence eg. Fire and tools
Not if they are 2 million light years away. That light wont get here for another million years.
Just as we are broadcasting electromagnetic waves into space, other advanced light forms will be doing so as well. So far, SETI has turned up nothing.
They left signature all over the world starting from Pyramids m, but you don’t know anything about it .
If we last he says, Poignant statements there. If you track the history of humankind on earth and see where the trajectory is headed right now, you must assume that we will destroy ourselves before we ever are able to reach out to find other life that may exist billions of years away, let alone across our own galaxy. How long would it take to get from one end of our Galaxy to the other? It's not within the power of man to do so.
It is not necessary to see them, it wouldn't be necessary for them to see us. Astronomers today can look at a star far far away and know if it is a candidate for supporting a planetary system that could harbor life. A planet is much harder to see.
Pretty clever bloke usually.However civilizations that have lasted millions of years would know the value of being covert and have the technology to remain undetected. This is the problem with a lot of scientists.They are brilliant with rules and equations but when it comes to the politics of survival or understanding people, scientists are not so brilliant.
Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.
No one comes to the Father but by Him.
Repent and trust in Christ.