Social Security at 62 vs 67 vs 70 | Why Should You Take Social Security at 62 vs 67 vs 70?

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Why Should You Take Social Security at 62 vs 67 vs 70?
When it comes to Social Security, individuals have the option to start receiving benefits at different ages. The most popular choices are 62, full retirement age (typically 66 or 67), or 70. Each decision has its pros and cons, and understanding the implications can help you make an informed choice.
Taking Social Security at 62: Claiming Social Security benefits at 62 allows you to receive payments as early as possible. This option appeals to individuals who wish to retire early or may need the income due to financial constraints. However, it's important to note that starting benefits at 62 will result in a permanent reduction in the monthly payment compared to the amount you would receive at full retirement age.
• Advantage: Early access to benefits, providing immediate income.
• Consideration: Reduced monthly payments for the rest of your life.

Taking Social Security at full retirement age (66 or 67): Full retirement age is determined by your birth year and typically falls between 66 and 67. Choosing to claim Social Security at this age ensures you receive your full benefit amount without any reduction. Waiting until full retirement age may be suitable for those who have reached retirement age and require the income but don't want to accept a reduced monthly payment.
• Advantage: You receive your full benefit amount without any reduction.
• Consideration: You will need to wait until your full retirement age to start receiving benefits.

Taking Social Security at 70: Delaying Social Security benefits until age 70 allows you to maximize your monthly payment. For each year you delay claiming benefits between full retirement age and 70, your benefit increases by a certain percentage, known as delayed retirement credits. This strategy is advantageous for individuals who can afford to wait and desire higher monthly payments in the future. It can be especially beneficial for those with longevity in their family history.
• Advantage: Increased monthly payments and potential for long-term financial security.
• Consideration: Delaying benefits means forgoing earlier access to income.
Factors to Consider:
a. Life expectancy: Consider your health, family history, and personal circumstances to determine how long you may need Social Security income.
b. Financial needs: Assess your current financial situation and whether you can afford to delay benefits or require immediate income.
c. Other sources of income: Evaluate your retirement savings, pensions, and other investments to determine how Social Security fits into your overall retirement plan. d. Break-even analysis: Calculating your break-even age can help determine whether claiming early or delaying benefits is more financially advantageous for you.
e. Working in retirement: If you plan to work while receiving Social Security benefits before reaching full retirement age, your benefits may be subject to an earnings limit. Be aware of the potential impact on your payments.
Deciding when to take Social Security benefits is a crucial aspect of retirement planning. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, understanding the implications of claiming Social Security at 62, full retirement age, or 70 can help you make an informed decision. Consider your financial needs, personal circumstances, and long-term goals to determine the best age to start receiving benefits.


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Check out this video going over the key differences between triggering social security at 62 vs 67 vs 70 and how to avoid mistakes!
Or call 1-800-566-1002 at any time.


Listening to this gentleman is like getting a Master Class in financial planning; he's that good!


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