Learn All 12 Tenses in Tamil in 30 Minutes | 12 tenses in English grammar in Tamil | Tenses formula

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Learn all 12 tenses just in 40 minutes in Tamil
Hi friends,
If you are a beginner at learning English, this is a perfect video for you to start with. Some might say that Grammar is not necessary to speak good English, which is not true. The idea that we can learn English without proper grammar may sound attractive but not practical. We all need to learn grammar either by practice or through English lessons. This video introduces you to the backbone of English grammar, i.e. 12 tenses. That's the foundation of English grammar. In this video, you will be learning the formulas and the sentence structures of all the 12 tenses in English and how to form positive and negative sentences in each tense. So stay tuned till the end and master all the 12 tenses in English.

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12 Tenses in one Video



Daily 10


Phrasal Verbs



English Grammar

Learn Advanced English in 10 Days:


00:00 Importance of Learning Tenses
00:39 3 Forms of a Verb
01:57 Regular & Irregular Verbs
03:51 12 Tenses Chart
04:45 Simple Present Tense
05:28 Where to add S, ES, IES after verb
08:19 12 Tenses Formulas
11:40 Common Mistakes in Simple Present Tense
12:56 Simple Past Tense in Tamil
16:29 Simple FutureTense in Tamil
18:54 Present Continuous Tense in Tamil
21:29 Past Continuous Tense in Tamil
23:21 Future Continuous Tense in Tamil
27:15 Present Perfect Tense in Tamil
30:57 Past Perfect Tense in Tamil
32:27 Future Perfect Tense in Tamil
35:12 Present Perfect Continuous Tense in Tamil
38:52 Past Perfect Continuous Tense in Tamil
40:34 Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Tamil
43:18 12 Tenses comparison in Tamil
44:10 Be Forms in Tenses in Tamil

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தம்பி நான் M. Com. B. Ed. M. Phil. Ph. D முடித்துள்ளேன். ஆனால் எனக்கு ஆங்கில அறிவு மிகவும் குறைவு. அதாவது எனக்கு ஆங்கிலத்தில் பேச வராது. இன்றைக்கு உங்கள் வகுப்பை சுமார் மூன்று மணி நேரமாக twelve tenses நன்றாக கவனித்தேன். இன்றைக்கு தான் இந்த tenses பற்றி நன்றாக புரிந்து கொண்டேன். குறிப்பு.. எனக்கு தற்பொழுது வயது 54 . நீங்கள் என் மகனாகதான் இருப்பீர்கள் என்று நினைக்கிறேன். நீங்கள் நீடூழி வாழ வேண்டும் என்று மனதார வாழ்த்துகிறேன்🙏🙏🙏🙏


1) I eat
2) I ate
3) I will eat
4) I am eating
5) I was eating
6) I will be eating
7) I have eaten
8) I had eaten
9) I will have eaten
10) I have been eating
11) I had been eating
12) I will have been eating

Thank you sir super teaching 🤝🤝🤝 🎉


Sir, தமிழ் medium படிக்கிற குழந்தைகளுக்கு முதல் வகுப்பு முதலே எப்படி english படிக்க வைப்பது, அவர்களுக்கும் english medium குழந்தைகளை போலவே சரளமாக ஆங்கிலம் பேச தயவு செய்து வகுப்புகள் தொடங்குங்கள் sir pls


ஆசிரியருக்கு வாழ்த்துக்கள். பொறுமையாகவும் தெளிவாகவும் சொல்லித்தருகிறீர்கள். முருகன் அருள் உங்களுக்கு நிச்சயம் கிடைக்கும். க. சீனிவாசன் சென்னை.


1.I eat 2. I ate 3. I will eat 4. I am eating 5. I was eating 6. I will be eating 7. I have eaten 8. I had eaten 9. I will have eaten 10. I have been eating 11. I had been eating 12. I will have been eating


I am very, very happy.
Thank you sir.
All tenses very interest. sir
Simple tenses:-
I eat
I ate
I will eat
Continuous tenses:-
I am eating
I was eating
I will be eating
Perfect tenses:-
I have eaten
I had eaten (V3) past participles.
I will have eaten
Perfect continuous tenses:-
I have been eating
I had been eating
I will have been eating.
I am trying sentences today. Sir


I eat.
I ate.
I will eat.
I am eating
I was eating
I will be eating
I have eaten
I had eaten
I will have eaten
I have been eating
I had been eating
I will have been eating

Thank you for teat sir.
you're really great teacher for us. Thank you for your hard work teaching method.


Ur way of explanation about twelve tenses are awesome...U r perfectly explained with clarity....wonderful...All the best for ur upcoming classes🎉🎉🎉🎉


Sir, மிகவும் தெளிவாக கற்றுத் தந்தீர்கள்.நன்றி.


I have done.the exact tamil translation is, நான் செய்திருக்கிறேன்.


I am govt staff .i dont no english knowledge. Your clss very useful.iam confident


1.I eat.
2.I ate.
3.I will eat.
4.I am eating
5.I was eating.
6.I will be eating.
7.I have eaten
8.I had eaten
9.I will have eaten.
10.I have been eating
11.I had been eating
12.I will have been eating.
Thank you so much.Really Thank you so much sir.


Thank you. Very simple method of teaching.


Lucid explanation and pronunciation. I appreciate your teaching skills and efforts sir. Will recommend your channel to my friends and acquaintances😊


Sir I think you are the best English teacher
Well done sir


This video really help me to understand verbs. Thanks you very much.


இந்த மாதிரி யாரும் சொன்னதே இல்லை, super🎉🎉🎉🎉


Indha madri oru explanation dhan nan romba naala theditu irunthan, really great explanation sir ♥️💪 i learned english in just 45 minutes


Fantastic class.. Thank you so much for your class..🙏💐😊


ஆங்கிலத்திலே சொன்னா தமிழ்ல எப்படி அவர்கள் கற்றுக் கொள்வார்கள் இறந்த காலம் நிகழ்காலம் எதிர்காலம் தமிழ் சொன்னால் தானே தெரியும்
