An important reminder for you 🥹🤍 #allah #islam #shorts

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00:00:01 I know you feel like you're at the edge of Despair you've looked around and seen no doors no Escape you've cried out asking for Solutions only to be met with silence you don't know what will happen tomorrow you don't know how you'll make it through today but I'm here to remind you of something that can change the entire way you see your situation indeed my Lord is with me and he will guide me through this is not just a statement it's a promise from the creator of the heavens and the earth when you carry this attitude in
00:00:43 your heart Allah promises you miracles he will split Seas for you he will carve Pathways in the most impossible situations and when you least expect it he will provide solutions from places you know ever imagined have you ever been in a situation that felt hopeless trapped as if the walls were closing in with no way out you're not alone in that feeling even Prophet Musa peace be upon Him stood in such a moment trapped between a massive body of water in front of him and an Unstoppable Army closing
00:01:26 in behind him imagine the fear his people felt imagine their cries we're doomed there's no way out and perhaps you felt the same focusing so intensely on the problem that it seems to grow larger and larger overshadowing everything else but then came musa's alisam response he stood firm and said with unshakable certainty no by no means will we be overtaken indeed my Lord is with me and he will guide me through Musa alisam didn't have the power to split Seas he didn't know how Allah would deliver him but he knew one thing Allah
00:02:13 was in control and that was enough and in that moment of pure trust the impossible happened the sea opened and a path appeared my dear brothers and sisters the same Lord who split the sea for Musa Alam is the one who watches over you now the same power that turned an impossible situation into salvation is the power that surrounds you but here's the key where is your focus if you fixate on the barriers in front of you they will grow bigger and more insurmountable in your eyes but if you shift your focus from the problem to
00:02:57 the one who holds the solution you will find peace and you will find a way true Reliance on Allah isn't about saying I trust Allah while secretly clinging to your own plan it's not about waiting for everything to make sense before you move it's about stepping forward even when you can't see what's ahead it's about taking that first step with full certainty that Allah will guide you imagine walking into complete darkness trusting that with every step you take Allah will light the path ahead of you that's what real trust looks like
00:03:37 moving forward with your heart firmly believing that Allah will make a way even when you can't see it yet but when you trust in Allah fully he will create a way out for you as he promises in the Quran and whoever is mindful of Allah he will make a way out for them and provide for them from sources they could never imagine so stay stand firm shift your focus fix your heart on Allah say to yourself indeed my Lord is with me and he will guide me through and trust that the sea before you will part and the
00:04:15 doors you've been waiting to open will finally open for you [Music]
00:00:01 I know you feel like you're at the edge of Despair you've looked around and seen no doors no Escape you've cried out asking for Solutions only to be met with silence you don't know what will happen tomorrow you don't know how you'll make it through today but I'm here to remind you of something that can change the entire way you see your situation indeed my Lord is with me and he will guide me through this is not just a statement it's a promise from the creator of the heavens and the earth when you carry this attitude in
00:00:43 your heart Allah promises you miracles he will split Seas for you he will carve Pathways in the most impossible situations and when you least expect it he will provide solutions from places you know ever imagined have you ever been in a situation that felt hopeless trapped as if the walls were closing in with no way out you're not alone in that feeling even Prophet Musa peace be upon Him stood in such a moment trapped between a massive body of water in front of him and an Unstoppable Army closing
00:01:26 in behind him imagine the fear his people felt imagine their cries we're doomed there's no way out and perhaps you felt the same focusing so intensely on the problem that it seems to grow larger and larger overshadowing everything else but then came musa's alisam response he stood firm and said with unshakable certainty no by no means will we be overtaken indeed my Lord is with me and he will guide me through Musa alisam didn't have the power to split Seas he didn't know how Allah would deliver him but he knew one thing Allah
00:02:13 was in control and that was enough and in that moment of pure trust the impossible happened the sea opened and a path appeared my dear brothers and sisters the same Lord who split the sea for Musa Alam is the one who watches over you now the same power that turned an impossible situation into salvation is the power that surrounds you but here's the key where is your focus if you fixate on the barriers in front of you they will grow bigger and more insurmountable in your eyes but if you shift your focus from the problem to
00:02:57 the one who holds the solution you will find peace and you will find a way true Reliance on Allah isn't about saying I trust Allah while secretly clinging to your own plan it's not about waiting for everything to make sense before you move it's about stepping forward even when you can't see what's ahead it's about taking that first step with full certainty that Allah will guide you imagine walking into complete darkness trusting that with every step you take Allah will light the path ahead of you that's what real trust looks like
00:03:37 moving forward with your heart firmly believing that Allah will make a way even when you can't see it yet but when you trust in Allah fully he will create a way out for you as he promises in the Quran and whoever is mindful of Allah he will make a way out for them and provide for them from sources they could never imagine so stay stand firm shift your focus fix your heart on Allah say to yourself indeed my Lord is with me and he will guide me through and trust that the sea before you will part and the
00:04:15 doors you've been waiting to open will finally open for you [Music]