Do No Harm - A Physician’s Journey to Combat The Risk of Radical Politics in American Healthcare

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Presented 3/30/2023.

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, Board Chair of Do No Harm, is a board-certified kidney specialist, and former Professor and Associate Dean for Curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He has been widely published in medical journals, as well as The Wall Street Journal.

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This is an outstanding organization. I am on faculty at a top tier medical school in the United States and I have been shocked and appalled by how political the environment has become (BLM banners across the campus, constant woke emails to the entire university community, special programs for every race, gender, and sexual orientation aside from straight, white, males, etc.) and how this has seeped into the education itself. I am deeply concerned for the future of medicine as leftist politics have been prioritized over medical knowledge.


That's why I never got into institutional, approved, accredited etc. It's all corrupt. Wrong mindset, wrong approach.


Medicine across the board has become completely anti-patient. I've been without a doctor for almost 2 years now after having pain management for 10 years and psychiatrist for 20 and because they were hounded by DEA for no reason, I was suddenly dropped and left completely on my own. It's only by the grace of God that I haven't taken the "out" that many other patients like myself have felt was their only option, but what I have had to do to survive is itself worrisome. The amount of gaslighting and just downright contempt I've been shown has caused serious PTSD and the thought of something happening where I'm not conscious but get taken to a hospital just makes me sick to my stomach.


Health agencies must not have regulatory powers, Neither any other agency of govt or world organizations.

Health is a concern of individuals and that's where it should belong. Health agencies & govt could only provide information, not mandates & lockdowns!


Maybe the only way to solve this problem is to have POC woke states and non POC meritocracy states. The former can continue with quota systems and equity while the latter can operate on merit and equal opportunity.
We can see which flourishes and which thrives.


If there is any field that should be used to rolling with the punches and learning to adapt to changes in the times and science, it’s the medical field. I’m not sure “wokeness” is such a bad thing or why it has become so terrifying to a generation of aging physicians. Acknowledging social determinants of health in curriculum today plays a vast role in helping patients get the resources they need to improve their lives and health. Obviously, we cannot usher change into every life, but if you are not going to pay attention to their living situations, access to services, etc., then are you truly getting to the root of their problems, or are you just putting a bandaid on a symptom and further contributing to this money machine system that doesn’t really care about the patient? Every generation has had some form of “woke” anyway. People are becoming more vocal and not hiding behind societal norms anymore, and “doing no harm” nowadays is acknowledging people for who they are and not trying to change how we address their medical care. That therein lies the ethical dilemma of whether you are truly doing good by your patients by attempting to stiff-arm the new ways of thinking out with archaic ideas that are starting to crumble away from the basis of patient interactions.
