Ted Cruz Has Got the Kind of Face, I'd Kind of Like to ......

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Recent surveys have shown that between 82 to 94 percent of all Americans can't stand Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Among his colleagues and family, the numbers are considerably higher.
Although Mangy Fetlocks does not encourage or condone violence, he has experienced numerous dreams in which he gave Ted Cruz a good solid whack, sometimes with a 2 by 4, and sometimes with either a bare hand or boxing-gloved hand. To deal with his clearly repressed urge in a healthy and productive manner, Mangy wrote this song. He hopes you think of it and sing it whenever you feel the urge to 'let Ted have it', just for being Ted. Lyrics below:

Yeah, Ted Cruz has got the kind of attitude that I disdain
and which to my nether regions causes me substantial pain.
While Texans who are wonderful are plentiful as rain
That Ted Cruz has got a kind of attitude that I disdain.

That Ted Cruz seems like the type that back in school
we called “a dink.”
I am not exactly certain what it is that makes me think that
but if I ponder it a bit, I just may unearth some link
as to why Ted Cruz seems like the type
we always called “a dink.”

Now, Ted Cruz seems like the kind of guy whose
butt could use a kick.
To me, his brand of rhetoric is vacuous but slick.
If he would just stand still, I promise I would make it quick
For Ted Cruz seems like the kind of guy whose butt
could use a kick.

Old Ted Cruz has got the kind of face
I’d kind of like to punch.
From him, I would accept no invitations out to lunch.
Though he well may be the slyest turkey buzzard of the bunch
Nonetheless, he’s got the kind of face I’d kind of like to punch.

Old Ted Cruz has got the kind of snoot I’d love to give a whack
if I should catch him in my house, or hangin’ ‘round in back.
In order to instill humility he seems to lack,
For the greater good I wish I could just give his snoot a whack.
copyright 2016, Bruce W Nelson
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Apparently many in congress aren't big fans of Cruz either! 😂

Thank you Bruce, for making disdain-ing acceptable! 👍🎵💙


That may be an oldie, but it's a goodie! Thanks, Mangy!


I don’t think anyone likes that lad. He’s not liked, respected and absolutely not someone to have a beer with. I have not nor cannot think of any reason why anyone would vote him. What is it with these people, where’s everyone’s common gone? This election shouldn’t even be close. For the love of all that’s holy, VOTE up and down the ticket BLUE. Thank you Major.


Thank you, Bruce . Seems very timely, he is very unlikeable. Get the Republicans OUT It all Matters Vote Blue!


Hear, hear ! In German, there is a word _"Backpfeifengesicht"_ which literally means a face begging to be hit. You have captured that beautifully - and very appropriately - here. I sometimes worry that in the focus on POTUS (you can have that), some people may forget their more local decisions, like Cruz in the senate - or MTG/Gaetz in the house. It ALL matters ! Cheers


Your song makes me think of that time many years ago when I visit Patagonia. This was in a small settlement near Coyhaique. It was January 1 when I arrived there and they were clearly throwing some sort of a major party. There were people playing pan flutes, guitars that seemed to be about 3/4th the size of a typical one, drums and yes there were some fine cowbells being played too. I asked one of the locals if this was a new years party and they replied that it was of sorts. He explained that it was a tradition in this town to gather every January first to celebrate that the village had gone yet another year without ever being visited by Ted Cruz.


In the 1970ies there were Romika slippers in Germany.
Cruz' face is like a Romika slipper:

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Sheldon's mom from, "The Big Bang Theory, " I think, said it best...
"Lord, thank you for the continued strength not to cold-cock him with my bible."


… I’d like to hear has massive haemorrhoids🎶


.... to see work at "Matt's Used Cars, " conveniently placed under a bridge in Miami.


...never have to see with any sort of legislative authority.


I have two names for him:

La Cancucaracha
Wreck-It Rafael


Know the sentiment ! Peaceful person myself but there are some a-holes who just inspire a retributive jab ! Regretfully I always decline ...😅


To see getting smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror.


Oh Mangy... That was a great one! Absolutely loved it. Ted is like nails on a blackboard! 😂


Back when he was first running, there was an article that quoted a German saying that translated as " a face that wants punching".


Your music can apparently convert gripes into smiles, making the world a better place - at least for awhile, for the lucky fetlocjkers.


I like it an open ended statement, sort of a build your own story ...Chose your own adjective, verb and nouns... Sure could have some creative and hilarious conclusions...The Imagination can runamuck and have a blast...


I'm also non-violent by nature. I also agree with every word of this song. Thank you for your tireless efforts, Mr. Nelson! 💙


Thank you for sharing!!! We all know people who just really seem to need some humility whacked into them, and Ted Cruz is certainly no exception to that!
