Hyte Y70 Touch | A Special Build!

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Yo I felt like I was peeling off that plastic bro! That's a stunning case! Your production caliber is impressive!


Damn that's a nice case. I love the look of a well built pc. I, on the other hand, am still rocking a pre built hp. Although I'm not a pc gamer, I use console. I only l use my pc for filming content.


Looks cool I have never built a pc before knowing my luck if did when switched it on would hear a loud bang and smoke coming out the side electrical fire lol 😂


Great video pal as always. I've seen this case about but not really a fan looks good though I am more for the o11 but when I make my own I will be looking to getvthe phanteks metalikgear qube dual pc case. Loving the thread ripper pal sham they haven't brought a new one out yet would be a beast lol


Can you get this for the y60 and the software as well?
