How to Make Pine Needle Tea and Identify Pine Needle |Conifer Spruce Drink!|

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Pine Needle has long been a favorite with the early settlers such as the Native Americans both for it's refreshment and for it's medicine.

If you did not know, Pine Needle Tea benefits your health tremendously since it has 5 times the Vitamin C of freshly squeezed orange juice and is high in Vitamin A. Its medicinal benefits can be used as an decongestant and can be used as an antiseptic wash when cooled. So not only does it taste good, but it's good for you! Each pine does have it's own unique flavour, so experiment and see which needles you like best.

In this video, we demonstrate how to identify pine needle tea in which you can find it in the wilderness, forest, or local park in your area. We also demonstrate how to make pine needle tea.

Just remember that while all pines are evergreens, not all evergreens are pines! So head out to the back yard or park where you can find it and positively identify your pine trees. Bring back some needles and give this conifer spruce drink a try! The rest of the video my wife gives a simple and quick summary how to identify the white pine needle, washing process, and making the tea. Enjoy!

Extra Info: Compounds resulting in curing menopausal symptoms, menstrual cycle symptoms, ADHD, erectile dysfunction (ED), slowing aging process maintaining beautiful skin, enhancing athletic endurance, and fertility.

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My bowel movements have gotten better and lost weight drinking it! Love the video.


I've been drinking it for many years now. It also boosts mens and womens fertility since it has high nutrience. Many benefits and also medicinal value mentioned in the video. Thanks for sharing.


It is supposed to help with the shedding issues from the jab.


Pine needle tea is one of my favorites, especially when I'm sick. I prefer short needle pines because they are more lemony, but I do use long needled pines sometimes, including - gasp! - ponderosa (hasn't gottne me sick yet). Also I get out a pair of kitchen scissors and just cut the needles and the twig they are on into 1-inch pieces. I include the twig because the entire pine is edible. (Native people would eat saplings.) Also pine bark is an expectorant and is good for the lungs. I rarely make hot tea, although that is a good way to make it. I'm a cold tea gal myself, so I drop all the needles in cold water and let it sit all day. Then I strain it out in the evening and drink it. Shorter needles are more lemony tasting, longer needles more piney tasting. I like to get short needles and mix them with strawberry leaves (also high in vitamin C) for a strawberry / lemon tasting tea.


Great to see you wash the pine needles....remove impurities like dust, mould, pollen. Nice video, thanks :)


I moved to Michigan area and now living here last 5 yrs it never occured to me about using pine as a tea!! I started having this the last 2 mths. Its very stimulating and i feel different. like being more aware and alert on my toes. I noticed even on my tired days with not much sleep i can still function good. Thanks for the vid!!


i just found white pine in my grandmas garden and it has a subtle earthy taste and i love it


Thanks for your video . One of the famous health gurus said that pine needles have 300 times more vitamin C than oranges, also sulfur. I havent had a chance to try it out yet but will soon.


after watching this video i found out pine needle tea is selling on amazon...interesting since i never thought about pine needle tea as a drink! thank you for sharing


UPDATE: I made a post about yr ago. Finally, I had a chance about 6 mths ago and its one of most enjoyable and pleasant teas I've had! I would say I've been drinking it consistently for the 4 mths about 3-5x week. I feel a difference in my energy levels and feel vibrant all the time. I do notice a change and it feels great. If you have pine needle in your area I highly recommend to try it out if you havent yet.


Im a little bit on the fence about drinking it...but i think i will give it a try. So, many benefits so i got nothing to lose! Appreciate the thorough video.


Will give it a shot! Hopefully I pick the right tree! lol


Only a couple of hundred years ago, white pine was used to prevent scurvy in the winter. When vitamin C was scare because fresh greens were scarce, this could keep you healthy until spring. ;)


I always pass thru the park along the way home and believe its pine..will see next time and try this out, thank you! 😃


I just went out scouting for wild turkey's on Monday and my friend and I made a couple pots of PN Tea and it was awesome! Next time I'm going to up the health benefits and add some honey!


I drink it more often during winter time and it helps me when Im starting to get sick.


FIRST time trying pine needle tea!
Was GREAT 👍👍👍
Thx so much
VERY educational


I live in a small town in Ct & we don't even have a gas station or stores. Anyway, I live on 3 acres & have a ton of white pines. When I'm craving vitamin C I just pick some pine needles, mush them into a ball & suck on them for a few mins. & spit them out. Also, I have a lot of wintergreen in my woods & I'll take a leaf of that & chew on it. I'm a smoker & this freshens my palate. You can also eat the red berries on the wintergreen. Thanks for the video!


I have made pine needle tea out of jackpine here in BC and found it actually had a lemony taste. It was rather good, but never realized the health benefits. I think I will start drinking it more often now.


Ahh, I live in the Jersey area and have this all year around. More so during winter but a great drink that really boosts your immune system. ITs a picker upper!
