Setting Up My New Raised Beds! (The Color is PERFECTION) :: Vego 9 in 1 Extra Tall Garden Beds

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Welcome Gardeners! Join me today for setting up some beautiful raised garden beds. I am planning to use these extra tall raised garden beds for veggies. Since they are 32” tall, the wild bunnies shouldn’t be able to reach them! 🐰 Enjoy!

“Green is the colour of life.” - Christopher Lloyd

My Complete Raised Garden Bed Set Up:

4- Vego Garden 32” Extra Tall 9 in 1 Modular Metal Raised Garden Bed Kit in Olive Green
2- Vego Garden VAT45 Triple Section 4.5’ Long Trellis

🌸 My Amazon Store!: Check out more of my favorite gardening supplies:

————M Y L I N K S————

————B R A N D S I W O R K W I T H————

———— A D D R E S S ————

Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618

————F T C D I S C L A I M E R ————

This video is not sponsored, however some plants and equipment that I use in my garden have been provided to me to try out!

Amazon Associate: Some links are commissioned. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases! Thank you all so much for supporting me!

#vego, #raisedgardenbed, #veggiegarden
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Janey, even Linda Vater admits to being an early morning pajamas gardener! Your land is becoming a place of absolute beauty 🏡🌲You and Jason had a vision and your hard, dirty work is paying of!


Hey Janey from central Pa! I have done the pajama gardening thing more times than I can count. It usually starts out with a coffee in hand and just going out to check for weeds or if a flower bloomed or a look at the project worked on the day before. The walk in the morning sun turns into 6 hours of weeding, planting and puttering around til soon I'm out there at 2 in the afternoon going must be near lunchtime now lol. Have a fabulous day!🙂


We have the same enclosure for our chickens, we painted the steel matt black to make it disappear and added rocks along the inside and outside and put a tarp n shadesail over the top :)


I have gardened in my pajamas more times than I care to admit. That’s when you know you love gardening. 💚


I love that the PT in you (& Jason) recognizes that someone in a wheelchair would be able to garden in these beds. I was injured a couple years ago. I was in a wheelchair followed by PT. Fortunately, I’m doing well. Gardening is so therapeutic and was my mental therapy. You nailed it.


The beds looks awesome! The green is perfect with the door and brings it all together! Hope you guys enjoyed date night!😎❤️❤️❤️


I love the happiness when you see your husband at the end of the video, so sweet


Hahaha! I do "pajama gardening" all the time! I usually walk through the garden with my tea and always see something that needs to be done...which leads to something else needing to be done. Next thing I know it's a few hours later. The raised beds are really nice! And I think you will appreciate the shade of the Pistache tree in the middle of summer extreme heat. In late July to August, most of my sun-loving plants go heat dormant (they drop their flowers, the leaves scorch, they stop setting fruit, etc.- when the temps get above 95 degrees.) I have shade cloth to try and protect my vegetables, but doesn't always work. So... I think you'll be fine with the shade from your beautiful tree! The yard is looking great! 🌳M


Janie, I saw Laura’s post and I saw your post - I instantly clicked on yours first! SO excited for this project! Thank you for all of your efforts and including us!


Just an FYI, some potting soils leach out dark water when you water your planters, which in turn stains the concrete. I used to garden in half wine barrels filled with soil, the stains are still on my patio. And that was 20 plus years ago.


Goodmorning everyone! Here with my tea to enjoy my video.


These are the BEST raised beds!! Ive had several since last year although not as deep. I am a big fan of Hugelkultur (not sure that's the correct spelling) and i hope you will look into it before you fill these beds. You create soil by filling the beds with wood pieces, hay bales, leaves, twigs, , grass clippings etc. Anything that you would put into your compost. Then add 18" of soil at the top for planting. Over time the bottom layers compost down and you can add compost and soil to bring the level back up. It is a HUUUUGE money saver and the soil that is created is already full of wonderful microbiology!! Please check it out!! Your gonna love these beds!! ❤


I'm loving the choice of color for your new raised beds. They're not only functional but also a stylish addition to your garden.


Love the colour of the new planter and how it goes with the office door. One thing you might want to be careful about is that the backyard doesn’t get too busy and cluttered with independent structures of large objects. There is a lot in the back for a small space.
The office
The garage
The shed
The tank
The composter
The bunny run
A greenhouse to come
4 large beds
Double row of aluminum beds

They are almost all viewable from the back porch. When you are in it daily something it’s not apparent.
Just my thoughts hope you don’t view it the wrong way as I mean well


I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE COLOR OF THE BEDS!! It matches perfectly with you door.
Have a wonderful evening out!


I love the olive green garden beds. The extra tall one because your veggies are going to have lots and lots of room for their roots plus keeping the bunnies out 2 in 1. Exactly the same color as your door that is so very special. I absolutely love them.❤❤❤❤


Hi Janey if you put hay bales in the bottom of the raised beds you can save on soil in the beginning, a simple form of heugelculture 😊


I love your site, and I love what you are doing. So fun!


Janey I have tall planter bins. Because of back issues it really helps. You might want to fill the bottom half with cardboard or old wood. You be amazed as how much soil it will take. Your garden is coming together beautifully.🌻🌻


I keep thinking that you need to install a black lantern light next to your office door. It would be a great finishing touch.
