EvE vs AoC

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It seems like a more compelling direction.

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#Pants #AshesOfCreation #PirateSoftware

- Edited by Sunder
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“Hey maybe your enemies slip and fall on a dagger 37 times. These things happen.”


Dropping the Ministry of Truth so casually is a very scary thing


3:34 I don’t know much about the channel lore, but Thor gives me goblin mafia vibes.


Even EVE has a solution for the issues with Sov, Wormhole Space. The year or so I spent running with a small group in a Wormhole was by far the best of my EVE career.


Eve is basically a full time job where you work your way up from the lowly wage slave. Eve’s format makes sense, like you said.


What i also find interesting is that it mimicks real life more (the AoC not EVE). In EVE, IIRC the 'good' areas that provide economic opportunity are predetermined and thus controlled by megacorps. In the AoC method, this changes. ANY node can be souped up.


Sov doesn't prevent anybody to enter the zones. It has some perks, but anybody can enter at his own risks. People actually roam into sov systems in order to kill unsuspecting miners/crabs


The only thing I'm worried about is with the map being so large, there'll probably be a ton of things being duplicated. I'd hate to live in one city, spend the time moving to the other side of the world, to end up in another city that ends up looking exactly the same, with the same local events. I'm hyped for this game, but trying to not get too excited about it until release.


AoC? Age of Conan ?
(Answer- Ashes of creation)


Eve online vs Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


The classic MMO failure point, "Join one zerg guild or GTFO and don't bother playing", EVE showed that in spades.


You are the guy who got OWNED by a small guild in AOC


4:09 Battlebit on release was a wild ride, man.


In ArcheAge, The White Order (Steven Sharif's) guild was so massive, that it dominated many aspects of the game and you couldn't go anywhere in the game world without seeing them or their property. I don't know if he really learned anything from that, but who else can design around such a thing better than someone who did it themselves? I can't say whether or not it will work, but he's certainly saying all the right things. Saying and doing, however, are two very different things.


I like the approach of AoC described in the video. It's definitely more interactive. However, 2 things keep me on my toes: a) I'm not a compettiive person, I don't like being subjected to the restrictions that PvP mechanics make other players put on me (optimized builds so I don't get bullied out of open-pvp-enabled zones/content, etc). That's a personal thing that will probably keep me from ever playing AoC.
2) With a game that so heavily relies on PvP, it's very hard to predict all the interactions of various systems once they get into player's hands, and where the enable or lock down interactions. Before the game opens up wide, we won't know how exactly those things work out: E.g., if the contributions of smaller guild & individual players are so miniscule that they have no hope of actually impacting the 'wars' between nodes (e.g. big players undo in half an hour what small players take a whole day to achieve), the system in _practice_ becomes much more similar to eve even though _technically_ they can take an influence.
And regarding "you can just be a bard doing funny shit with music & rumors" - yeah, systematically you can. Now, extrapolating from other open-PvP games - how long do you _actually_ think you'll survive when your attention (and possibly game-resources) is split between survival & being a bard, while you're being waylaid by a combat-optimized bandit (in the majority of cases. You'll get _some_ of any possible outcome eventually, ofc)


While this system does sound nice on paper, we live in the year 2024 where information spreads like wildfire and games are min-max'd like crazy. Goodluck preventing every server from looking the exact same because the best configuration provides the most lucartive events and rewards to spawn.


You can play in any Eve space, regardless of sov. You just cannot build super duper bases in it with your corp/alliance. You can do anything and go anywhere without sov or alliance. The only comparison would be a group of horde players standing in one area and telling alliance players that it's their area. They can come in and do whatever they want, but if horde is on, they die trying. That's all Sov is in eve. Sov also gives no bonuses except building the system up for more pve content, which anyone can use. Unless it is PLAYER DEFENDED.


The node system was also what stood out to me the most. it's a system that if done well could provide more or less endless content, and in a way that doesn't, make the game stale because these nodes have so many variables that change how they work and affect the world, plus it gives a good reason to have alts on other servers because of how vastly different the worlds will be in other servers. having massive dynamic events that players can effect always makes a game more memorable.


The problem I find with these kind of games is that the people who can play them are basically unemployed people and streamers.
For people who end up in a 9to5, we end up always becoming a side character, so I find no enjoyment in these type of games any longer.
Maybe would be doable if I sacrificed my relationship as well, but she is a very affectionate person who wish to spend time with me, and I would feel bad sitting and playing games for so many hours just to maintain my in-game life.

But I like that the games exist though, it's a very interesting social experiment to watch.


I remember a mobile strategy game that had the same issue, there was this group that formed a massive faction on every single server; they forced you to join them and pay a percentage of your resources to them, if you didn't they would wipe you out as soon as your 7-Day Noob safety bubble went away.
