Mage Tifa's icy triple takedown - Blizzara + Magnify Exhibition

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I considered posting the remainder of the Scorpion Sentinel series now that I'm done playing with the Huntsman, but then I realized I haven't used Tifa in a while and people really like Tifa, so here's a fun showcase featuring Mage Tifa with the Mythril Claws.

Ice magic is a very useful tool in FF7: Remake on a tactical level. Unlike other spells, ice magic has the ability to easily whiff due to its delayed fuse and the tendency for enemies to move away; these three Doomrats are no exception. However, this is to balance out ice magic's two other significant properties: it has a decent area-of-effect, especially with Magnify, and it staggers enemies far more easily than other spell types.

Here we have Tifa killing the Doomrats using ice magic in three different ways:

1. Starshower Area Nuke
In the first run, I empower Tifa's Blizzara with a Starshower, and with a little luck and patience, I can trap the whole Doomrat squad between the Magnified spell, causing them to get hit by its area-of-effect properties twice each. This deals over 16,000 damage to each Doomrat for just one cast of 8 MP!

2. ATB Stagger Spell Chain
Since Blizzara staggers easily, we can use ATB Boost and ATB Stagger in tandem to stagger all three Doomrats and use continuous spells until they all die. Even though I never throw a single attack, Tifa kills all of them with 2 full ATB left and ready to use!

3. Stagger Limit Combo
Since staggering enemies builds your Limit Break bar, you can fill a Lv1 limit break with just three staggers. Thus, staggering any three enemies will give you a limit break to use on any survivors for an explosive finish!

Build is:
Mythril Claws + Force Bracelet + Fury Ring
Ice + Elemental, Ice + Magnify, First Strike, Parry, ATB Boost, ATB Stagger, Magic Up x2

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Absolutely wrecked, great stuff!

I read somewhere that Starshower boosts the next move's damage by 70%. If that's close to accurate, it would make Magnify a truly insane crowd control tool.

I haven't really messed with Tifa mage builds since her physical attacks are so good, but this video's got me thinking about all kinds of new possibilities for magic setups.
