Python Tutorial 11: Python Dictionaries

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Dictionaries are mutable data types in Python like lists. Here is a complete tutorial on Python dictionaries.

Sections and Timeline
1) Introduction - 0:14
2) Declaring a dictionary - 1:44
3) Rules for declaring keys and values - 2:27
4) Accessing elements from a dictionary - 4:23
5) Adding key value pairs to dictionary - 5:48
6) items( ) method for iterating over dictionaries - 8:22
7) keys( ) and values() methods in dictionaries - 11:41
8) get( ) method in dictionaries - 13:00
9) Removing elements from a dictionary - 14:30
10) Update a dictionary with another dictionary - 17:41
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Love the way you explain and it goes in my head. Thank you.


Thanks again. We love your tutorials in Brazil


Hi - It was demonstrated to access/deleted elements in a nested dictionary. How do you add though? Im coming across a lot of good information on nested dictionaries but nothing beyond nested complex dictionaries to add elements>

for example::
users = {
1: {'nissan': {'altima':{'datagy', 'mi primer carro'}, 'maxima':'camry'}},
2: {'Toyota': 'Car to be sold ', 'Supra': 'Government'},
'aws': {'s3':'simple storage services', 'encryption':{'cmk', 'total'}, 'bucket':{'can have many objects', 'policies attached to it'}},
3: {'flavor':"Cookies and cream", "price":"$8"}
How do i add to users[2][aws][encryption] = ('new value") ?
