Champ Medici: NFTs are like the early days of Hip hop

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Champ Medici:
"Our culture, we’re so creative, and we’re always late to the party. This is our chance to really get in where it’s an even fair playground. The reason why I say it feels like Hip-hop is because every time I’m at these conferences, or I’m at these NFT weeks, whenever I’m on the streets, people come up to me like it’s a mixtape."

"'Look at my NFT.
This is what I do.
My name is this,
I go by this,'
and I’m like yo.
This is rap shit." — Champ Medici

"You’re coming up to me with your rap name, you’re coming up to me with your product, your style is on point. I wasn’t even born until ’97 so I don’t know what Hip-hop was like when it first started. But when I look at the footage, and I see people in New York, see Biggie on the corner freestyling, and my dad in Long Beach freestyling with Nate Dogg and Warren G, I’m like yo this is the same shit we’re doing with NFTs. I’m linking up with artists, graphic designers, and creative people to come up with a concept that can keep people entertained and engaged. That’s the same as making music."

Produced by skidrowcrypto for

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