Are HEAVY Kettlebells USEFUL?! | Dan John

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Dan John has spent his life with one foot in the world of lifting and throwing, and the other foot in academia. An All-American discus thrower, Dan has also competed at the highest levels of Olympic lifting, Highland Games and the Weight Pentathlon, an event in which he holds the American record.

Dan spends his work life blending weekly strength training workshops and lectures with full-time writing, and is also an online religious studies instructor for Columbia College of Missouri. As a Fulbright Scholar, he toured the Middle East exploring the foundations of religious education systems. Dan is also a Senior Lecturer for St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London.

His books, on weightlifting, include Intervention, Never Let Go, Mass Made Simple and Easy Strength, written with Pavel Tsatsouline as well as From Dad, To Grad. He and Josh Hillis co-authored “Fat Loss Happens on Monday.”

Dan is one of the original practitioners of the "Kettlebell Swing" in the US and is widely renowned to be the inventor of the "Kettlebell Goblet Squat". He is the host of the weekly Dan John Podcast; discussing all things strength, kettlebells, Olympic weightlifting and athletic performance as well as doing live workshops, coaching and online personal training.

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I love my 48kg for heavy swings, and my 64kg is a great looking statue, could also be used for tying a boat if I ever buy a boat.


Kettlebells aren't barbells. Kettlebells are constantly moving. They are ballistic. If you think you're tough, take your kettlebell for a walk on a trail and toss it around for an hour while you hike. I call it a kettlebell ruck. That will open your eyes to how different they are. Thank you, Dan John, you give some of the most well-thought-out advice on the Internet.


I am an Ex-body builder from the 1990's. from Miami Florida, did really well in training Got up there in the numbers and looks. had to quit training because of a double blood clot found in my leg. Iam now seventy years old and I am really crazy about this new way of working out and becoming strong all over the body. The beauty of kettlebells is that it works every area of your body no matter what exercise that you are doing. Plus, these are old tools that was used hundreds of years ago to train armies and fighting men and women. In those days living life was work and the stronger you were the better your survival. I believe we as a people have reach that point again. Doctors and meds are no longer cutting it. Our earth suits (the body) were not made to sit around. Or take all these chemicals and expect the human Being to function. Well, kettlebells and heavy cubs and mace has me for the rest of my days on the planet. WON'T GIVE IT UP. BEST THING SINCE GOD CREATED A WOMAN.


Double 28’s for the Armor Building Complex is my favorite late winter session. Just seems to transfer to real life so well.


So glad this person asked this question, that you answered it and I showed up while in my bath to listen. Thank you.


In my late 60s and my heaviest KB is 32 lbs. Rather than go heavier and risk injury I simply do Swings in 10 X 10 fashion with 10 seconds of walk around recovery between sets. Works for me and I feel good.


Have to agree. Was training alot of CF doing sessions like x10 70kg power cleans into x10 burpees over bar as a 20min amrap and alot of similar sessions 4 days a week. Ended up leaving myself in bits after a couple of months not to mention constantly tired and sick. Went back to my own 20kg bell, bodyweight exercises, skipping rope and power band for the majority of my training and do 1 day a week of barbell strength training (wk1 squats, wk2 bench, wk3 deadlift, wk4 strict press) massive improvements in body comp, strength and in particular health. Im sure not the ideal program but for a busy person in their 30s it has worked for me. Thanks for all your content Dan. Its Gold🙌


He is right. I spent my entire life into my 20s playing football and always trained barbell and got to big numbers; and since training KBs I have several the largest a 44 which rarely used; DB 24s and DB 32s the most picked up. And I want to add I train with KBs 5 times a week.


I look at progression with KBs as being either in intensity (same work, less time), volume (more reps) or increases in weight. If you've reached the limits of the first two, it's time to raise the weight. I never plan on putting up big numbers with KBs as my goals are more modest - simply good health with sufficient muscularity. Plan on moving up to 32 kg later this year and that's enough for me I think.


Coach Dan John is a true master of the clickbait title… I can’t help myself! 😂


A few years ago, I decided I wanted to do a Turkish Get Up with a 40 kg KB. I trained for it, and did it. That's the ONLY time I've ever used anything over a 32 kg. I mostly use 20, 24 and 28 now.


My wife has a pair of 36's, and I find that's all I need


After the standard 16, 24 and 32, really glad I went the doubles route. I’ve gotten so much mileage out of 2x 16s, 20s and 24s for cleans and presses/jerks.

For 40 and 48kg two-handed swings, you can save a lot of money with the DIY Hungarian core-blaster.


My heaviest is only 36 kg, and it sits there except for once every two weeks when I train jerks with a single bell. But the stimulus I get from that speeds up progress at lower weights. I think it is worth having all of them and to train them all kind of like a zipf distribution.


I use kbells as a work around for injuries where I can’t use a barbell anymore especially in the overhead press 🙏


Good stuff. I use my 48 frequently now. I only say this because im doing swings, rows and goblet squats with it. And unilateral carry.


I mainly use my double 32’s for the majority of my workouts. I have a pair of 8’s and a pair of 20’s I do a lot with too. If I feel real good on a particular day ill get my 40’s out for squats, C&P etc. As a former powerlifter and U105kg strongman, I absolutely love kettlebell training now days!


That was some damn good advice. Thank you!


Personally I bought 48 because only thing I really cannot do without gym is benching, so floor pressing 48 does the job in periods when I don't have time to go to gym. And swings with it feel great too


for my situation, which will be different from most, heavier kettle bells are quite useful. mostly because, of price. I have found both 50lb, and 85lb kettle bells for about .70 cents a pound. I can't get anywhere near that even with used dumbells.
