CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners | Learn CSS In 40 Minutes

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In this video I will cram as much as possible about CSS. We will be looking at styles, selectors, declarations, etc. We will cover CSS syntax, how to add CSS to your HTML, CSS colors, CSS units, the box model, and best practices for CSS walking through a full example of CSS being used to style an HTML page. By the end of this video you will know enough about CSS to style any basic web pages in your own projects! and you will getting task to do at the end.

Before watching the video you should be familiar with HTML. You can watch my HTML video for help.

HTML Crash Course For Absolute Beginners | Learn HTML In 50 Minutes

HTML5 Crash Course For Intermediate | Learn HTML5 In 25 Minutes

Full Playlist on Web Development (CS406)

You can use any text editor for writing HTML and CSS
- Notepad++
- Sublime text editor
- VS Code etc.

For more guide you can see HTML Documentation on W3Schools

For validation of your CSS page
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