ASP.NET MVC Model view controller ( MVC) Step by Step Part 2

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See our other Step by Step video series below :-

In this video we will see how we can share data between controller and the view using viewdata. So we will create a simple controller , record the current data in a view data variable and then display the same in the view using the percentage tag.

Want to Learn MVC 5 in 2 days start from the below video :-

The following syllabus has been covered in Learn MVC 5 in 2 days

Learn MVC 5 in 2 days
Lab 1 : - Simple Hello world(20 Minutes)
Lab 2 : - Explain MVC Routing(10 Minutes)?
Lab 3 : - Explain ViewData, ViewBag, TempData & Session Variables?(20 Minutes)
Lab 4 :- Explain Model and Strongly typed views (20 minutes)?
Lab 5 : - Explain Model Binders(10 minutes)?
Lab 6 :- Why MVC and MVC vs Webforms ? (30 minutes)
Lab 7 :- Explain TempData , Peek and Keep ? (10 Minutes)
Lab 8 : - Explain Data Annotations and HTML Helpers classes?(31 Minutes)
Lab 9 : - What is the need of ViewModel in MVC? (10 Minutes)
Lab 10 : - How can we use Entity Framework in MVC?(20 minutes)
Lab 11 : - How to implement viewmodel, partial view and webgrid?(45 minutes)
Lab 12 : - What is the difference between ActionResult and ViewResult in MVC?(10 minutes)
Lab 13 :- How to implement Ajax using Json and Jquery in MVC ? (60 Minutes)
Lab 14 : - What is the use of Async Controllers in MVC?(20 minutes)
Lab 15 :- How to deploy MVC Application on IIS ? (10 minutes)
Lab 16 :- How can we do Windows and Forms Authentication in MVC? (50 Minutes)
Lab 17 : - How can we use MVC areas for better modular development ? (10 Minutes)
Lab 18 :- How to implement MVC with Angular ? (60 minutes) ?
Lab 19 :- Can we Overload MVC Action methods ? (10 Minutes)
Lab 20 :- How to improve Reusability using Angular ? (20 Minutes) ?
Lab 21 :- What is the need of WebAPI in MVC ? (30 Minutes)
Lab 22 : - How to do exception handling in MVC? (30 Minutes)
Lab 23 :- How to do update and delete using MVC , WebAPI , EF and Angular? (30 Minutes)
Lab 24 : - How to use MVC Webgrid?(30 minutes)
Lab 25 :- How to implement Validation using Angular and MVC (30 minutes)?
Lab 26 :- What is SPA (Single page application)?
Lab 27 :- How to Organize MVC project and Understanding CORS issue ? (42 minutes)
Lab 28 :- Explain the importance of DisplayModes ? (10 minutes)
Lab 29 :- How to do unit testing with MVC projects (30 minutes)?
Lab 30 :- How to implement SPA using Angular Routing ?
Lab 31 :- How to create decoupled systems using MVC DI ?
Lab 32 :- How can we have multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC ?
Lab 33 : - What is the importance of AntiForgery in MVC?
Lab 34 :- What is the importance of ValidateInput and AllowHTML in MVC?
Lab 35:- Bundling and Minification.
Lab 36 :- Layout pages in Razor
Lab 37: - What are ActionFilters in MVC?
Lab 38: - What is WebAPI (Theory)?
Lab 39: - How can we create and consume WEB API (Practical)?
Lab 40 :- MVC 6/ASP.NET Core Training-Part 1 (2 Hours).

Рекомендации по теме

Do not miss our Interview Question video series


This is by far the clearest explanation of .net MVC I've come across


The MVC 5 intro was excellent, but it's misleading to pass this old content off as part of the same tutorial. Here's the razor syntax equivalent everyone's looking for:


//I figured out the below syntax by chance


it is the best description regarding MVC ever... I like your accent by the way


Superb Video...for New Bie..Ultimate link...Thank you so much Sir


very good example. just i started learning mvc after long time


very well was new to MVC pattern and this video has helped me a thumbs for you sir.


Want to Learn MVC 5 in 2 days start from the below video :- 

The following syllabus has been covered in Learn MVC 5 in 2 days 

Learn MVC 5 in 2 days
Lab 1 : - Simple Hello world(20 Minutes)
Lab 2 : - Explain MVC Routing(10 Minutes)?
Lab 3 : - Explain ViewData, ViewBag, TempData & Session Variables?(20 Minutes)
Lab 4 :- Explain Model and Strongly typed views (20 minutes)?
Lab 5 : - Explain Model Binders(10 minutes)?
Lab 6 :- Why MVC and MVC vs Webforms ? (30 minutes)
Lab 7 :- Explain TempData, Peek and Keep ? (10 Minutes)
Lab 8 : - Explain Data Annotations and HTML Helpers classes?(31 Minutes)
Lab 9 : - What is the need of ViewModel in MVC? (10 Minutes)
Lab 10 : - How can we use Entity Framework in MVC?(20 minutes)
Lab 11 : - How to implement viewmodel, partial view and webgrid?(45 minutes)
Lab 12 : - What is the difference between ActionResult and ViewResult in MVC?(10 minutes)
Lab 13 :- How to implement Ajax using Json and Jquery in MVC ? (60 Minutes)
Lab 14 : - What is the use of Async Controllers in MVC?(20 minutes)
Lab 15 :- How to deploy MVC Application on IIS ? (10 minutes)
Lab 16 :- How can we do Windows and Forms Authentication in MVC? (50 Minutes)
Lab 17 : - How can we use MVC areas for better modular development ? (10 Minutes)
Lab 18 :- How to implement MVC with Angular ? (60 minutes) ?
Lab 19 :- Can we Overload MVC Action methods ? (10 Minutes)
Lab 20 :- How to improve Reusability using Angular ? (20 Minutes) ?
Lab 21 :- What is the need of WebAPI in MVC ? (30 Minutes)
Lab 22 : - How to do exception handling in MVC? (30 Minutes)
Lab 23 :- How to do update and delete using MVC, WebAPI, EF and Angular? (30 Minutes)
Lab 24 : - How to use MVC Webgrid?(30 minutes)
Lab 25 :- How to implement Validation using Angular and MVC (30 minutes)?
Lab 26 :- What is SPA (Single page application)?
Lab 27 :- How to Organize MVC project and Understanding CORS issue ? (42 minutes)
Lab 28 :- Explain the importance of DisplayModes ? (10 minutes)
Lab 29 :- How to do unit testing with MVC projects (30 minutes)?
Lab 30 :- How to implement SPA using Angular Routing ?
Lab 31 :- How to create decoupled systems using MVC DI ?
Lab 32 :- How can we have multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC ?
Lab 33 : - What is the importance of AntiForgery in MVC?
Lab 34 :- What is the importance of ValidateInput and AllowHTML in MVC?


Great video series of MVC Just what i wanna ...
Please Upload some more videos of MVC....One of best tutorials series


Great help.. Very nice tutorial for MVC beginners


Thanks guys I am understand to your explanation style. Thank You


Great  example  Hel me a lot to understand with MVC


this one also good but i really excite to watch model in next video


Good Work..Greatly appreciated for this video...Definitely it will help me in my interview...Thanks


I am really enjoying your videos. Good well done!


Yeah, I agree with the others. You should update these tutorials to MVC 5.


Really good for a beginner, you are my guru .do we have similar video for WCF?


Super Video. Nice Explanation!!!


Why my percentage tag is not working '<%=%>' when I try to write ViewData inside view page? Time:1:58


really nice one . Helps alot, please post me complete 2 days package mvc videos
