Now that looks likes upgraded Jedi mechanics. Loving the new trailer and everything Cal can do!
Our little Cal has grown so much from the first game 😢 He seems so experienced now!! Can’t wait to see how his story unfold
So glad they finally added Dual wielding 🔥
What an amazing trailer ! Showing gameplay, some story scenes... This seems like a real sequel with a lot of work put into it, can't wait !
Looks like some assisted partner combat like Arkham Knight. It would be cool to fight alongside Merrin.
Wow, an honest trailer with actual gameplay that showcases exactly what to expect from the game! Really appreciating it!
Mounted combat, grappling and dual wielding? Damn, they added some great mechanics to the sequel... looks amazing.
Jedi Fallen Order is one of my favorite games of all time. To say that I’m excited for Survivor would be a massive understatement.
A reveal trailer that actually shows us what to expect gameplay wise!? Thank you for setting an example Respawn.
1:15 so nice of them to introduce the Tau
There were so many things right with the first game, but a lot, A LOT, of room for improvement. Hopefully this game seizes that!!
Come on now, the lad in the bachta tank must be a canon version of jek-14, he literally has all the elements that fit jek: white hair, blue eyes, the arm that's missing... and that monolog at the beginning. It would be sooo great
Had an absolute blast with the first one. This sequel can't come soon enough, as long as it's not rushed and incomplete.
I'm happy they are still focusing on pushing out star wars materials. Really superb!
The last one was so smooth, them adding so many more interactions and animations and more attacking varieties.. this is looking like the star wars game I've always wanted
The first game was incredible yet this looks even better! Looks like they added a bunch of new gameplay mechanics. Cannot wait!
Wow just wow, I’m very impressed they took something that worked and ran with it instead of changing the mechanics drastically.
Really damn curious who the man in the tank is. He was imprisoned there after being betrayed. The golden outfit he wears later in the trailer is giving me old or high republic vibes
this looks awesome! looks like they really expanded upon the first game a lot and in all the right ways! cant believe we will have our hands on it so soon too. march is right around the corner!
The expanded combat choice like the new jedi skills and the greatsword like lightsaber blows my mind, this is gonna be awesome.